Topic: [COMMUNITY] Open letter from ~{MS}~ on MTC, instagib and the future
~{MS}~ would like to say a few words as a response to the recent victory of our clan in the recent MTC instagib tournament. First of all we would like to thank MTC, and all persons behind the tournament who made it possible for us to participate. If it hadn’t been for their quality management and commitment to the organizing of the tournament our road to victory would never have a chance to begin, let alone finish with our glorious conquer. Thanks also go to the TeeTV crew which has done an excellent job in reporting and commentating on the exiting games we had a chance to be part of. Their coverage of our actions will give the history of Teeworlds one more beautiful chapter, written with the materials of their archive, and showing the excellence a strong team of friends can achieve and deploy against its competitors.
Next to our thanks we hope this tournament has proved that there’s more behind the pro-instagib argumentation then many people tend to realize. Whereas certain voices have long considered and still consider instagib a nail at the coffin of the vanilla game, we hope to have shown that there’s a significant elements of tactic, teamplay and competition in this modification. This certainly differs greatly from the original game, and might not be the exact path the developers wish to walk, but it’s the road a significant part of the community has chosen and for that they should get some respect. The time has come to end the attitude which writes instagib off as a easy mode mod which only attracts four year olds and inexperienced vanilla players. People make the choice to play instagib not on the base of their negative experience with the original game, or no experience with the original game at all, but because they’re more attracted to the tactical and fast-paced gameplay it offers.
Teeworlds should be proud that it has spawned such successful modifications, because it only promises more of such modifications to develop in the future. A very significant part of Teeworlds has been build on the shoulders of a large community input offering refreshing ideas and additional content which the developers would have never been able to develop by themselves. Instagib will always be a major feature, and in contrary to popular thought these players are no second-rate citizens, but are just as valuable to the community as any other vanilla player. Trying to force players to choose vanilla over modifications will only split the community in two and do more harm than instagib as a respected mod can ever do. ~{MS}~ speaks for an entire community if we ask for an attitude change which respects instagib as a very successful modification instead of the “disease of vanilla”.
We hope the exiting matches between us and our competitors have given some very good examples how instagib can certainly be an extra element of quality in the success formula of Teeworlds. The high level of tactical gameplay, well organized teamplay and close competition between teams has shown that instagib deserves all the respect any other modification, and more importantly vanilla Teeworlds, deserves. Those individuals that don’t like this great development have every right to voice their opinion, but only if it’s based on valid argumentations and focuses on a decent discussion, not on the seeding of a bad attitude which causes more harm than good. With this ~{MS}~ will guarantee that they’ll actively live up to this truth by continuing to voice the opinion of the community behind instagib. We’ll continue to support every event which contributes to the success of instagib and combat any attempt to falsely displace the player emphasis away from instagib, unless this is done on valid grounds. With this we hope to bring an even better future to the whole of Teeworlds, and prevent an ungrounded community split. May the future prove us right.
With this being said we want to give our credits once more to MTC, and the unique chance they gave us to show our true qualities, and the qualities of instagib. It are events like this who will continue to expand not only the instagib community but the Teeworlds community as a whole. They have given a simple game like Teeworlds the depth which will guarantee an expanding player base and long term player interest in the game. ~{MS}~ can't wait until the next tournament and will definitely be ready to defend it's title as the number one instagib champion. We hope our competitors won't hesitate to return to the arena and do everything in their power to give shape to yet another highly competitive tournament. We can guarantee we'll continue to develop our skills and when the time comes we'll defend our title. Until then, keep up the great effort involved in making it all come true.
The ~{MS}~ clan