If you can't make one yourself nobody will provide you with one, not now not ever.
1. There are no real aimbots freely available to the public. Anyone who says there are lost versus a good player or doesn't know what they're talking about.
2. Aimbots are 100% not allowed, bring doom for the really good players and are no good for Teeworlds. If you ever try to use one it will be known and you'll have to face the terrible consequences of your actions.
3. There's no guarantee whatsoever you would keep it to yourself, or use it with friends only. And even if there would be a guarantee you still wouldn't get one, because we don't know who else could use your computer. Even if we did, you still wouldn't get one.
4. The fact that this is your first post or you post with a different name then usual gives you no credit to ask for such things. And even if you had all the credit in the world you would still not get one from anyone on the official forums.