Topic: Khubajsn is looking for a clan
Hello tees.
If this is off-topic or wrong category, I am sorry and please lock or move this.
I was a clanleader of the IST clan, but I dissolve him. Members was not respond to my emails, so that we could not fight a clanwar because I had to fight alone.
I have look at other clans in game, like SPD, but I am not too good for join their clan. I know it and I am reconciled with that. I do'nt know the reason but it is not fun for me to play TeeWorlds as clanless.
Somebody knows my maps and some skins, I like playing HTF, WAR, CTF,DM,race, run gametypes and flyway most. I can make a website or maps for the clan. I have got two demands - clan must have 5+ members and they must have a some skills. I can host a server sometimes, too.
Thanks for reply,