Topic: [OSX] Droplet to start server with cfg file
Hi! Here is my AppleScript based droplet to start Teeworlds Server simply dropping on it a cfg file. It supports custom maps and custom path of folder maps (you have to customize it)
on open of the_file
set the_file to quoted form of (POSIX path of (the_file))
-- this is the path of the folder containing a folder called "maps"
-- in which there are maps: (customize it)
set the_map_folder to "/Applications/Game/Teeworlds/"
-- this is the path of the folder containing Teeworlds (customize it)
set the_app_folder to "/Applications/Game/Teeworlds/"
tell application "Terminal"
set cmd to "cd " & the_map_folder & ";" & the_app_folder & "'Teeworlds'/Contents/MacOS/teeworlds_srv -f " & the_file
do script cmd
end tell
-- display dialog to stop the server
set x to (display dialog ("Click this to stop server") buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 1 with title "TeewordServer")
if the button returned of x is "OK" then
do shell script "killall quit 'teeworlds_srv'"
tell application "Terminal"
end tell
end if
end open
save it as application (or application bundle), put it everywhere you whant an thats it. It's a droplet, so drop file on it.
It uses a "brute force" way to stop the server. Suggestions are welcome.