Topic: [IDEAS] My Ideas! (Ok, there were enough useless ideas, right?)
Hiho. I know, there were some ideas a few days ago, but I have some Ideas, too. (And I think most of them won't kill the TW-Feeling)
I think this is the right area, because i've seen some here.
Ok, let's start!
1 - GUI Ideas
1.1 - Extended main-screen
Ok, I know what you think: "NO". But listen to me: What about a new extended main-screen, or... More tabs.
We have got tabs like Internet, LAN, Favorites etc, but what about a tab called "News"?. Some players ingame even
didn't KNOW that the official TW-Site exists! So I thought an ingame-news-system would be nice, with links to the
official site.
A new console would be nice too. (I mean the rcon console) Some players have to look again and again to know
what command does what. So a new console would be nice. With tabs, lists of players and so on.
This would make kicking and banning a lot more comfortable: You just click on the name in the rcon-list, enter a
number of minutes for the banning-time and click "ban". Whoop! Tee XY is banned!
The ban and kick process now takes just too long! You have to tipe "status", look for the small written name that
moves upwards all the time and tipe "ban xy 120" to ban it. That's uncomfortable and hurts the eyes.
1.2 - More Buttons
And the next one: More UI buttons! I'm looking forward to seeing buttons like: "Map Editor" <- Ever thought
about this? I think only 30% of the TW players know how to open it, so an UI button would be nice!
2 - Config Ideas
2.1 - Map downloading
Some maps are just too big to download, so imagine you can tipe in a number of KiB you want to download as a
maximum. So e.g. everything above 500 KiB will kick you with the message "The map is too big!".
2.2 - Skin downloading
Many players use non-standard skins ingame. To see them, too you could add a box that you can tick to download
all player skins.
3 - Map Ideas (hehe)
3.1 - New layers
Many players are asking about physics and so on. So what about a physics layer, wich includes water and ice
And here is (not) a (good) idea: Zone layers. With zone, i mean team zones. In a blue zone, only blues can attack
and hook players, and otherwise in red zones. This would be good against Spawn-killing. (And only good, too, if
the flag is outside of it. Far away. Even not in sight! Even.. Argh, stop that.)
And another layer: Sound layers! Some players said that maps would be more nice if it had got sounds.
So for example, you can add sounds to a sound layer, like images to an image layer. (Of course, they have to be
embedded, or rigth ingame, so you don't have to download it.)
If one tile is on the screen, it starts to fade in and fade out if it leaves the screen. (Loops and so on should be
some options there) Example
4 - Other Ideas
4.1 - Friends
What do I have to say? You can add friends and so on. It would be easier to follow them.
4.2 - Downloading demos ingame?
Think about this! You can upload your demos ingame and download them (optional with the map) to watch them.
I hope this is allowed. Just think about it. If you don't like it, don't think about it!
(Sorry for my way how I'm writing. 1st I'm german. 2nd I'm listening to "Always Look On The Bright Sight Of Life", that song makes me kind of high.
- Pocram