Topic: Styx challenges all Teeworlds clans/teams
The team Styx would like to play ClanWars against each and every clan in Teeworlds. We are mostly a CTF clan but we will play every team game as long as it's not too far off from regular (for instance, no altered gravity games).
It has been hard for us so far to find ClanWars because no clan has enough members online or they are simply afraid.
List of gametypes we usually play:
For 2vs2:
- CTF/ctf1 , TDM/dm8
For 3vs3:
- CTF/ctf3, CTF/ctf4, iCTF/ctf3, iCTF/ctf4, TDM/dm6
(we don't like ctf4)
For 4vs4:
- CTF/ctf2, iCTF/ctf2, TDM/dm6
For 5vs5 & 6vs6:
- CTF/ctf2, iCTF/ctf2, TDM/dm2
For 7vs7 & 8vs8, we don't have enough members yet, but if any team wants to challenge us on that front don't hesitate, we will consider re-opening recruitment for temporary members/testing.
We also accept clanless players to team-up against us if they want. Feel free to make your teams to challenge us.
We refuse CWs against fakers and fake clans, use your real nick if you want to challenge us.
Styx is currently undefeated. Come and get us if you dare.
If you are interested, reply in this thread or find any Styx player online (clantag Styx), or come find us in #nowai @ quakenet.