Topic: [Suggestion] Gravity/Watertiles
I wanted to make a map which is inspired by Bioshock. You play the whole game in the water and it has a scary atmosphere.
I thought about making a tee swim. How? Change the gravity . No this is bad, the weapons would be just like in the air and it wouldn't be logical when you could walk on the ground like on the moon, lawl.
My idea is, adding tiles for water. Entering those tiles changes the gravity and the way weapons behave.
I don't know if this is easy to make. But this would be a great step making teeworlds diversified and [edit] more [/edit] fun. Unfortunately you would have to make a new tileset like a beach. I think there's no tileset which could fit to water.
Bring forward your arguments and tell me, what you think. I want a big discussion.