1 (edited by null7elf 2009-01-17 23:29:14)

Topic: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

i have a problem running teeworlds 0.5.0.

it seems to start up correctly (log output) but after the screen going dark (and probably switching resolution hereby) nothing happens anymore... just some keys seem to trigger events -- with F1 & F2 the mouse pointer shows up/hides, and F10 takes a screenshot (which is a 100% transparent png)...

i run linux on an older single core notebook with an ati chipset. version 0.4.* worked for me, but ran never really satisfying... slow and choppy... but after i've read that 0.5.0 switched to SDL i wanted to give it one more try.

i tried the precompiled binaries and several different ways of compiling the source myself (ebuilds, by hand, ...), but it always ends in the same black screen.

the only way to get rid of the black screen is to switch to a console and kill the process (SIGKILL). The process does not take any cpu-time after going dark...

oh and btw.: i read the FAQ, the documentation, did forum searches -- no answers so far! there is probably some relation to http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3137, but i never got any X errors...

here is the output on the console:
[497245dc][engine]: running on unix-linux-ia32
[497245dc][engine]: arch is little endian
[497245dc][binds]: bound f1 (282) = toggle_local_console
[497245dc][binds]: bound f2 (283) = toggle_remote_console
[497245dc][binds]: bound tab (9) = +scoreboard
[497245dc][binds]: bound f10 (291) = screenshot
[497245dc][binds]: bound a (97) = +left
[497245dc][binds]: bound d (100) = +right
[497245dc][binds]: bound space (32) = +jump
[497245dc][binds]: bound mouse1 (323) = +fire
[497245dc][binds]: bound mouse2 (324) = +hook
[497245dc][binds]: bound lshift (304) = +emote
[497245dc][binds]: bound 1 (49) = +weapon1
[497245dc][binds]: bound 2 (50) = +weapon2
[497245dc][binds]: bound 3 (51) = +weapon3
[497245dc][binds]: bound 4 (52) = +weapon4
[497245dc][binds]: bound 5 (53) = +weapon5
[497245dc][binds]: bound mousewheelup (331) = +prevweapon
[497245dc][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (332) = +nextweapon
[497245dc][binds]: bound t (116) = chat all
[497245dc][binds]: bound y (121) = chat team
[497245dc][binds]: bound f3 (284) = vote yes
[497245dc][binds]: bound f4 (285) = vote no
[497245dc][engine/datadir]: paths used:
[497245dc][engine/datadir]:     .
[497245dc][engine/datadir]:     /home/user/.teeworlds
[497245dc][engine/datadir]:     data
[497245dc][engine/datadir]: saving files to: /home/user/.teeworlds
[497245dc][console]: failed to open 'autoexec.cfg'
[497245dc][console]: failed to open 'settings.cfg'
[497245dd][client/sound]: sound init successful
[497245de][font]: gfx memory used for font textures: 3058288
[497245de][game]: load skin twinbop
[497245de][game]: load skin saddo
[497245de][game]: load skin pinky
[497245de][game]: load skin cammo
[497245de][game]: load skin warpaint
[497245de][game]: load skin redstripe
[497245de][game]: load skin default
[497245de][game]: load skin limekitty
[497245de][game]: load skin twintri
[497245de][game]: load skin cammostripes
[497245de][game]: load skin bluestripe
[497245de][game]: load skin redbopp
[497245de][game]: load skin coala
[497245de][game]: load skin x_ninja
[497245de][game]: load skin brownbear
[497245de][game]: load skin toptri
[497245de][game]: load skin bluekitty
[497245e0][]: 2097.186944.2ms
[497245e0][client]: version 0.5 b67d1f1a1eea234e
[497245e0][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[497245e0][client/version]: version does match (0.5.0)
[497245e0][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses

any idea? any help? any one? sad

2 (edited by GSGDani 2009-01-18 00:02:41)

Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

update your graphics card driver(full version... no lite versions e.g.).. should solve this problem smile
-> disable screensaver (recommend)

-> should be added to teewiki and the FAQs because its one of the most important problems ..

Remember me? Questions? Just leave a message, I will respond within 72 hrs!

3 (edited by null7elf 2009-01-18 03:59:45)

Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

i am using the latest drivers for my gpu -- any opengl application is working (still not all are running with the wanted fps, but at least they work).
and screensaver disabling is also not working... i guess this should stop problems occuring in the middle of the game, shouldn't it? maybe i should point out that i never see any in-game graphic at all... =(

and btw. more detailed OS spec: i run linux-2.6.24 with the open source gpu drivers since the proprietary ati ones are not supporting my gpu anymore.

are there any debug releases or verbose settings to get a more detailed log?


Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

Have you tried to delete your ~/.teeworlds/settings.cfg? If that doesn't work, try to edit the the file by hand and set the game to windowed and see if that makes a difference.

Also, make sure you have direct rendering enabled.

glxinfo | grep direct
Used to be very active waay back


Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

I saw this problem on a windows computer I tried. Try forcing fullscreen to false, some displays cannot run 800x600 fullscreen, which seems to be the default setting.

./teeworlds gfx_fullscreen 0

Languages shapes the way we think, or don't.


Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

first of all : thanks for any help!
second: it still does not work =/

the facts:
- opengl is working (direct rendering is active -- i often play quake3 [in 800x600])
- i got other games and applications depending on SDL that work
- removing the settings.cfg was never needed, because it never gets created (just ~/.teeworlds and some subfolders)
- manually creating a settings.cfg with "gfx_fullscreen=0" as content, did not work.
- starting with "./teeworlds gfx_fullscreen 0" made no difference (still the whole display turns black)
- i can change my display resolution from 640x480 up to 1280x1024 without any hassle...
- i am a programmer, so if any patch could help, it is no problem to apply and test it!

7 (edited by null7elf 2009-01-18 18:20:07)

Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

i just found out, that the game somehow works, just without any graphic...

i wildly clicked around the black screen, pressing F1 & F2... finally killing the game with "pkill teeworlds", but this time the log told me a bit more:

[49732af4][]: 3613.701888.2ms
[49732af4][client]: version 0.5 b67d1f1a1eea234e
[49732af4][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[49732af4][client/version]: version does match (0.5.0)
[49732af5][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[49732b30][netclient]: disconnected. reason="(null)"
[49732b30][client]: connecting to 'somewhere:8302'
[49732b30][client]: connected, sending info
[49732b30][client]: loading map, map=dm1 wanted crc=f35c9309
[49732b30][datafile]: datafile loading. filename='maps/dm1.map'
[49732b30][client]: loaded map 'maps/dm1.map'
[49732b30][client/network]: loading done
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=16 size=325 uncompressed=12000
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=14 size=263 uncompressed=12000
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=15 size=587 uncompressed=12000
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=17 size=74 uncompressed=12000
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=18 size=576 uncompressed=12000
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=19 size=251 uncompressed=12000
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=0 size=19 uncompressed=11
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=1 size=22 uncompressed=14
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=2 size=12 uncompressed=4
[49732b30][datafile]: loading data index=3 size=18 uncompressed=10
[49732b31][datafile]: loading data index=4 size=18 uncompressed=10
[49732b31][datafile]: loading data index=5 size=18 uncompressed=10
[49732b31][datafile]: loading data index=6 size=18 uncompressed=10
[49732b31][chat]: *** nameless tee entered and joined the game

8 (edited by null7elf 2009-01-18 18:37:53)

Re: version 0.5.0 does NOT start up... black screen, then nothing...

well, sorry for the tripple post, but i found out more:

i was able to...
...run it on another linux box (it worked -- but was damn slow, is teeworld that hw hungry?)
...correctly quit the game by pressing F1 and entering 'quit', and so got the settings.cfg
...start it in windowed mode on my machine (i mistakenly used the equal sign before)
...find out, that with 'gfx_clear 0' the screen turns bright yellow after init...

BUT it still does not work! =/

PS: should i change the topic? since the game obviously starts up, just not showing any graphic...