Topic: New Project /Need Help

Hello Teeworlds Community,
i‘m writing this text for my friend kai (maybe you know him from teeworlds-db.com)
he wants to know if there any 3D tees (and weapons) in the following formats:  *.x *. b3d or *.3ds

this is needed for a new project after teedb(next big update planed on 01.01.2009) is finished…
he hopes that at least one of you can help him


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Re: New Project /Need Help

DiM SuM! wrote:

as far as i no mate there aint - i saw a youtube vid of 3d tee but it looked as if it was made by a retard - wat you planing on doing some 3d teewolrds spin-off or soming?

i know this video on youtube its really nice.. but i dont want post my idea right now.. smile

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