Topic: background graphic problem
I've got strange problem with background graphic, everything is kinda bluring and repeating, i cant play with something like this
i don't know how to explain this so I'll give a screenshoots:
I'm using kubuntu 8,10, self compiled teeworlds-0.4.3-src
and there'a a log file from game:
urbinek@haruko:~/zrodla/teeworlds-0.4.3-src$ ./teeworlds
[491a1200][engine]: running on unix-linux-ia32
[491a1200][engine]: arch is little endian
[491a1200][binds]: bound f1 (258) = toggle_local_console
[491a1200][binds]: bound f2 (259) = toggle_remote_console
[491a1200][binds]: bound tab (293) = +scoreboard
[491a1200][binds]: bound f10 (267) = screenshot
[491a1200][binds]: bound a (65) = +left
[491a1200][binds]: bound d (68) = +right
[491a1200][binds]: bound space (32) = +jump
[491a1200][binds]: bound mouse1 (384) = +fire
[491a1200][binds]: bound mouse2 (385) = +hook
[491a1200][binds]: bound lshift (287) = +emote
[491a1200][binds]: bound 1 (49) = +weapon1
[491a1200][binds]: bound 2 (50) = +weapon2
[491a1200][binds]: bound 3 (51) = +weapon3
[491a1200][binds]: bound 4 (52) = +weapon4
[491a1200][binds]: bound 5 (53) = +weapon5
[491a1200][binds]: bound mousewheelup (383) = +prevweapon
[491a1200][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (382) = +nextweapon
[491a1200][binds]: bound t (84) = chat all
[491a1200][binds]: bound y (89) = chat team
[491a1200][console]: executing '/home/urbinek/.teeworlds/settings.cfg'
[491a1200][binds]: bound 1 (49) = +weapon1
[491a1200][binds]: bound 2 (50) = +weapon2
[491a1200][binds]: bound 3 (51) = +weapon3
[491a1200][binds]: bound 4 (52) = +weapon4
[491a1200][binds]: bound 5 (53) = +weapon5
[491a1200][binds]: bound a (65) = +left
[491a1200][binds]: bound d (68) = +right
[491a1200][binds]: bound t (84) = chat all
[491a1200][binds]: bound w (87) = +jump
[491a1200][binds]: bound y (89) = chat team
[491a1200][binds]: bound f1 (258) = toggle_local_console
[491a1200][binds]: bound f2 (259) = toggle_remote_console
[491a1200][binds]: bound f10 (267) = screenshot
[491a1200][binds]: bound lshift (287) = +emote
[491a1200][binds]: bound tab (293) = +scoreboard
[491a1200][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (382) = +nextweapon
[491a1200][binds]: bound mousewheelup (383) = +prevweapon
[491a1200][binds]: bound mouse1 (384) = +fire
[491a1200][binds]: bound mouse2 (385) = +hook
[491a1200][console]: failed to open '/home/urbinek/.teeworlds/autoexec.cfg'
[491a1200][gfx]: alphabits = 8
[491a1200][gfx]: depthbits = 24
[491a1200][gfx]: stencilbits = 8
[491a1200][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[491a1200][snd]: device #0 name='VIA 8235: VIA 8235 (hw:0,0)'
[491a1200][snd]: device #1 name='VIA 8235: VIA 8235 (hw:0,1)'
[491a1200][snd]: device #2 name='front'
[491a1200][snd]: device #3 name='surround40'
[491a1200][snd]: device #4 name='surround41'
[491a1200][snd]: device #5 name='surround50'
[491a1200][snd]: device #6 name='surround51'
[491a1200][snd]: device #7 name='iec958'
[491a1200][snd]: device #8 name='spdif'
[491a1200][snd]: device #9 name='default'
[491a1200][snd]: device = 9
[491a1201][font]: gfx memory used for font textures: 3058288
[491a1201][game]: load skin cammo
[491a1201][game]: load skin twintri
[491a1201][game]: load skin redstripe
[491a1201][game]: load skin cammostripes
[491a1201][game]: load skin limekitty
[491a1201][game]: load skin bluekitty
[491a1201][game]: load skin bluestripe
[491a1201][game]: load skin coala
[491a1201][game]: load skin toptri
[491a1201][game]: load skin brownbear
[491a1201][game]: load skin twinbop
[491a1201][game]: load skin default
[491a1201][game]: load skin warpaint
[491a1201][game]: load skin x_ninja
[491a1201][game]: load skin saddo
[491a1201][game]: load skin pinky
[491a1201][game]: load skin redbopp
[491a1203][]: 2610.263000.2ms
[491a1203][client]: version 0.4 1bd7780b0f76307c
[491a1203][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[491a1203][client/version]: version does match (0.4.3)
[491a1208][netclient]: disconnected. reason="(null)"
[491a1208][net]: sendto error -1 ffffffff
[491a1208][client]: connecting to ''
[491a1208][client]: connected, sending info
[491a1208][client]: loading map, map=dm2 wanted crc=3f32983c
[491a1208][datafile]: datafile loading. filename='data/maps/'
[491a1208][client]: loaded map 'data/maps/'
[491a1208][client/network]: loading done
[491a1208][datafile]: loading data index=12 size=840
[491a1208][image]: start=1 count=4
[491a1208][datafile]: loading data index=0 size=19
[491a1208][datafile]: loading data index=1 size=22
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=2 size=18
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=3 size=12
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=8 size=264
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=10 size=421
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=11 size=817
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=13 size=513
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=14 size=1554
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=15 size=288
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=16 size=209
[491a1209][chat]: *** urbinek entered and joined the spectators
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=4 size=78
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=5 size=627
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=6 size=54
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=7 size=83
[491a1209][datafile]: loading data index=9 size=69
[491a120a][client]: input was late with -58 ms
[491a120a][client]: input was late with -55 ms
[491a120a][client]: input was late with -53 ms
[491a120a][client]: input was late with -2 ms
[491a120a][chat]: *** InYourFace killing spree was ended by b34st
[491a120b][client]: input was late with -1 ms
[491a120b][chat]: *** ? killing spree was ended by hakke
[491a120c][chat]: *** lame killing spree was ended by hakke
[491a120e][chat]: *** hakke is on a killing spree with 5 kills!
[491a120f][chat]: *** hakke killing spree was ended by Shasta
[491a1210][client]: input was late with -2 ms
[491a1214][client]: input was late with -1 ms
[491a1217][chat]: b34st: but say hello to satan for me :)
[491a1218][chat]: Rini: bey its getting late
[491a1218][chat]: *** Z.Y. is on a killing spree with 5 kills!
[491a1219][client]: input was late with -5 ms
[491a121b][client]: input was late with -63 ms
[491a121e][chat]: *** b34st killing spree was ended by InYourFace
[491a121f][chat]: *** nameless tee joined the blue team
[491a1220][client]: saved screenshot to '/home/urbinek/.teeworlds/screenshots/screenshot0002.png'
[491a1221][client]: prediction time reset!
[491a1221][conn]: hitch 990
[491a1221][chat]: *** InYourFace is on a killing spree with 18 kills!
[491a1221][chat]: *** InYourFace killing spree was ended by Z.Y.
[491a1222][client]: saved screenshot to '/home/urbinek/.teeworlds/screenshots/screenshot0003.png'
[491a1223][client]: prediction time reset!
[491a1223][conn]: hitch 986
[491a1223][client]: input was late with -3 ms
[491a1223][client]: input was late with -5 ms
[491a1225][client]: saved screenshot to '/home/urbinek/.teeworlds/screenshots/screenshot0004.png'
[491a1225][client]: prediction time reset!
[491a1225][conn]: hitch 1068
[491a1226][chat]: *** hehe is on a killing spree with 5 kills!
[491a1226][chat]: *** hehe killing spree was ended by ?
[491a1227][client]: saved screenshot to '/home/urbinek/.teeworlds/screenshots/screenshot0005.png'
[491a1228][client]: prediction time reset!
[491a1228][conn]: hitch 965
[491a1228][chat]: Rini: ok i do
[491a1228][client]: input was late with -7 ms
[491a1228][chat]: *** Z.Y. killing spree was ended by InYourFace
[491a122a][client]: input was late with -2 ms
[491a122b][chat]: *** ? is on a killing spree with 17 kills!
[491a122b][netclient]: disconnected. reason="(null)"