Topic: Maps

List of official maps.

--- DM MAPS ---

Name: dm1
Author: dopefish, matricks
Players: 2-4
Description: Where it all began. The mother of all teeworlds maps: dm1, still today merely changed from the initial version released with 0.1 it is the most popular and well-known map of Teeworlds.

Name: dm2
Author: matricks
Players: 8+
Description: A bright sunny quite huge dm map, this one has been on since 0.2.0 and is very well-known.

Name: dm6
Author: dopefish
Players: 4-10
Description: Enter the desert! The once so peaceful little village from 0.2 and 0.3 is since 0.4 covered by sand, no one knows why! Easily recognized by its notorious hole on the bottom, giving both health, and a huge risk of not getting away.

Name: dm7
Author: RallyHagge, chi11y
Players: 6-12
Description: One of the maps introduced with 0.5. A creepy deathmatch in the middle of the night, similar to the popular unofficial map pro6_dm wont make anyone sad!

Name: dm8
Author: Somerunce
Players: 3-4
Description: The 2on2 map. Up-tempo gameplay and plenty of pickups makes you know you and your teammate is alive, or dead. Snow tileset.

Name: dm9
Description: Surprise map!

--- CTF MAPS ---

Name: ctf1
Author: matricks
Players: 4-6
Description: Introduced with 0.3 this edited version of dm1 makes great ctf action for few players. Often criticized for imbalance, it has undergone changes but is still as good.

Name: ctf2
Author: matricks
Players: 10-12
Description: The epic snow ctf is still the most played map in clan matches and is often praised by the higher level of players. A classic.

Name: ctf3
Author: chi11y, Somerunce
Players: 4-8
Description: A new desert-ctf first made to be included with 0.4 has undergone dramatic changes and is now tweaked to create action from first to last second.

Name: ctf4
Description: Surprise map!

Name: ctf5
Author: chi11y
Players: 12-16
Description: Teeworlds in the sky with diamonds, eh. Huge flying ctf map made for both pros and newbs, making it fun for everyone.

Additions are welcomed, dm7,8 and 9 and ctf3,4 and 5 is to be released with 0.5.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: Maps

Yay! Finally we know what will be in. smile


Re: Maps

Really nice compilation. big_smile I feel the itch.. Like when I wanted a new pony..

The proposition "I am the center" need never be uttered. It is the assumption upon which all certainty and all doubt turns.


Re: Maps

ctf 5 : "Players: 12-16"

Awesome !!!