Topic: Looking for MOD

I'm looking for a mod...
1:  ...to get endless ammo
2:  ...to make instagib
3:  ...to make classes (for example Sniper, Heavy, Healer...)

I hope you can help me smile


Re: Looking for MOD

Mmmm... I can't help you, but I think you'll have to create yourself. Points 1-2 are possible right now, but not 3 I think.


Re: Looking for MOD

you need to combine the instagib mod with the classmod --> search the forum, compile it yourself, but I'm not sure if there's a .diff,  .patch or even the source of the classmod.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

4 (edited by Henry 2008-10-14 14:44:35)

Re: Looking for MOD

GaBOr wrote:

Mmmm... I can't help you, but I think you'll have to create yourself. Points 1-2 are possible right now, but not 3 I think.

And now the question: Do you know how to mod it?

And Rajh's class mod isn't downloadable sad


Re: Looking for MOD

Mmmm... I think it's hard to do it, I have never tried it.

Take a look to this links:
http://teeworlds.com/trac/teeworlds/wik … Everything
http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1996 (and its links)

datag wrote:

You need the patch-utils for that (search for it in google). Then you need to apply the patch to the sources:

patch -p1 < patchfile.patch

It's all the info I have been able to get. Try search in the forums with the function "search". I hope other people can help you more than me big_smile .


Re: Looking for MOD

OK, thanks smile


Re: Looking for MOD

were can I faid the download link to the  instagib MOD ?


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( My grammar is getting better ! smile I think.. )