Topic: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

i cant get on the map when i make collision.i have a quad and make the collision to the tile that is most of the map but i keep walking under the map floor


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

If you can, please open the map in editor andmake screenshot for us. We will can find answer for your question quickly ;-)

IDEA: Was you make collision with selected good layer?

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.

3 (edited by spaodo 2008-10-07 11:10:32)

Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

how do i get the screenshot up on the forum


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

spaodo wrote:

how do i get the screenshot up on the forum

I didn't get your question but this is a thing that I can answer. Go to a free picture hoster, e.g. http://www.imageshack.us , http://www.pictureupload.de/ or something like that (exists in every language). Then get the url, the address of the picture, e.g."http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/img/avatars/1054.png" and then paste it like that:

This is my picture blabla [img]url[/img]

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

You have to fill with White tiles in the "Game" layer where you want to be collision tiles.


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

Open your map in editor, press PrintScreen key, close teeworlds, open ms paint, press Ctrl+V, save the image, open www.imageshack.us and upload the image, post new reply with address

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.



Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

is a pictur in game the aim is were i stand


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

right click on the Tile-layer on the left that is marked red on the screenshot and then clock "make collision".


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

Just what I said. Do you see the white squares you used in some parts of your map (next to the blue flag for example)? You have to fill with the white tiles in GAME layer everywhere you want to collide.


Re: my map keeps getting no make collision for most of the map.

thanks every1