Topic: [HELP] about race mod...

Hi, I resontly got the race entities, becaues I want to make a new race map called "Run_run", and I am a bit confued on how to work the entities tiles, on the race map, like for one: I can tell that if you put a [one] clear blues entites tiles any were, it will transport you to where the yellow [one] entites tile is, (ect) with the 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9, and you put the [start] tiles all in a row to start the time and the [end] tiles to end it and transport you back to the starting point...right?

I am mostly makeing an assmuptions on this, by just looking at the map with the race entities allso in play, like these

And I want to know what is the porpus of the green tile, to the left of the start tile? there was a whole bunch of it on the run_dude map, like so...
But there isn't any here...
What does it mean? D:
Please help me.

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Re: [HELP] about race mod...

its no hook tile people won't able to hook the wall
I'm not sure that the end tile teleport to start but it stop timer


Re: [HELP] about race mod...

Rajh wrote:

its no hook tile people won't able to hook the wall
I'm not sure that the end tile teleport to start but it stop timer

Oooooooooh! okay, that makes since. thanks Rajh. :]

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Re: [HELP] about race mod...

"the unhookable tiles disable the player to hook the wall. I am not sure if the end-tiles will teleport you to the start again, but they definately will stop the timer" btw your english is not that much better to allow you to post kinda sarcastic comments xD smile



Re: [HELP] about race mod...

Thx amn what would I do without you


Re: [HELP] about race mod...

Nice to see youre back rajh big_smile


7 (edited by Bee 2008-09-19 20:52:17)

Re: [HELP] about race mod...

Nvm I made it with just the info, so I guess that is all you need. ^^

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Re: [HELP] about race mod...

can somebody please tell me where i can get race mod??

9 (edited by Rajh 2008-10-07 16:19:42)

Re: [HELP] about race mod...

TheGnaa search in forum but i'll make a new version for 0.5.0

new entities