1 (edited by toni 2008-08-08 12:29:29)

Topic: [Tileset] Stones

Tileset "Stones"
• New stony Surface + Doodads
• Letters (to post clantags or something in your map)
• Download this tileset at teeworlds-db.com
• Some Screenshots:


Re: [Tileset] Stones

Well done!
I must say that i am most very impressed.
Keep Up The Good Work.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: [Tileset] Stones

What a freak: makes a tileset just to promote his site wink ( just joking, keep up the good work ! )

We will meet again when the flowers spread their glorious scent of victory and the birds sing us the melody of justice...


Re: [Tileset] Stones

It look very much like you just have turned the original more brown. Am I right, or have you made more changes?

Used to be very active waay back

5 (edited by toni 2008-08-08 11:22:13)

Re: [Tileset] Stones

look more exactely^^


Re: [Tileset] Stones

it looks a bit like the graveyard from chi11y and co....

You just got pwnd!


Re: [Tileset] Stones

Good work


Re: [Tileset] Stones

looks really good


Re: [Tileset] Stones

I think it looks really nice and people should be nicer about it. There aren't enough tilesets around here.



Re: [Tileset] Stones

NFD Tee wrote:

I think it looks really nice and people should be nicer about it. There aren't enough tilesets around here.

all true !!!!!! (+1) ^^

Remember me? Questions? Just leave a message, I will respond within 72 hrs!


Re: [Tileset] Stones

Quite cool idea, but you should try to create some unique doodads to make it an own tileset, more than just a edit of grass.

Also, if you are interested in tilesets and mapping I suggest #teeworlds-maps on quakenet, we are some people working on projects like this there.. smile

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites


Re: [Tileset] Stones

sure i just made it a bit gray and darker so that it fits better
maybe ill create one later


Re: [Tileset] Stones

Nicely arranged Screen shots ^^

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: [Tileset] Stones

some extra letters and colored lights added


Re: [Tileset] Stones

good job big_smile

Please use an english signature //heinrich5991


Re: [Tileset] Stones

I think that it's a good idea, and a good remake. But the idea could go so much further! big_smile give us a complete tileset instead of a remake, and some nice unique stone doodads and it'll be even better. :] Keep up the good work.

The proposition "I am the center" need never be uttered. It is the assumption upon which all certainty and all doubt turns.


Re: [Tileset] Stones

I love it big_smile
Keep up the good work smile

I'm from AUSTRIA = bad english sad

big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile hmm big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile