Topic: Spectator Suggestions & Code Help.
I've got a couple suggestions, one of which I know has been suggested before but I wanted to repeat it for developer's sake.
Spectator mode would be absolutely lovely with some sort of follow-character function. Where is camera movement located in the 0.4.2 sources - anyone know off the top of their head? (I'm sure I can find it but if someone knows already it would speed things up a bit)
Spectator mode would also be good with some sort of "zoom out/zoom in" function (mousewheel up zooms in, mousewheel down zooms out)
And of course another one that's been suggested before is the ability for the client to download new tees from a server - I understand not wanting to load a png file that could possibly be malformed and introducing client-exploits, but for my sake to see what I can cook up - where is the handling of that located? and what information gets passed, etc?