Topic: CTF suggestion
Greetings fellow teezors!
I'm sure many of you might have played or are playing other CTF games. So as some of you know for example Quake2 Capture The Flag mod, Warsow CTF (and other games too maybe) have this 'capture clock/stop-watch'. I mean it starts ticking when you take the flag & stops when you capture it of course. I know overall this feature might be not so great or needed, but sometimes it's just interesting to know what was that capture time, coz you "did it" so faaasst. Or maybe just a highlight over the character for some seconds when capture is made. I think it would be good if it was optional, everyone ain't hooked to capture the mod as some of us are hehe.. a tiny [x] box would be nice in the options section for the timer.
So I think this is it from me for this moment, out of capture the flag ideas hehe.
(PS! Can you create some stickies or forum section(s) under development and maybe other Forum sections too for deathmatch, team deathmatch, etc... It's kind of pain in the &^# to find all the suggestions for lets say capture the flag just to know if someone hasn't posted this kind of idea already. I won't die from it too if you won't create them anyway.. just an idea)
Best of luck to ya all, let the (enemy)flag be with you!