Topic: The Inside Tee // TOURNAMENT!! :D
chi11y and zach proudly presents...
Your daily source for news about Teeworlds!
Questions and answers:
Q: Okay, You've effectively overused the bold tag, you've used a stupid, immature and fairly large ripoff as a logo and this post is just begging me to troll it... What do you want to say?
A: I'm going to introduce you all to the new unofficial community-centered news site for Teeworlds! While this may sound kinda stupid, boring, ugly or just dull I can tell you it's not. We will try to cover everything that is happening, from every little clanwar or svn commit(okay, not really) out there to big tournaments and releases.
Q: Yeah, speaking of that, why is the topic stating TOURNAMENT as if it was some stupid keyword that would get you high up the search charts on this forum?
A: Well, to give this site some momentum we are KICKSTARTING WITH A DM TOURNAMENT!, just for your pleasure.. More info on the site.
Q: Oh! You got me! I'm so totally freakin' psyked about this tournament and this newspaper thing makes me wanna jump around in circles like a tee on fire!! But... Where is the site?
A: The URL isn't pretty, but I think it's enough. If someone can donate a subdomain or whatever on their teeworlds-related site that would ofcource be cool, I can't order a domain since I'm under 18 and have no paypal shit... >.<
Q: You fail to answer my question, where is the stupid site?
A: Okey, okey... The Inside Tee! ~
I suggest you add it to your bookmarks instead of trying to remember the url of a random swedish programmingsite + some subfolders though lulz.
And I am chi11y, reporting for The Inside Tee!
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites