Topic: Using Gamepad with teeworlds?


I've tried to use my gamepad (works with other games) but teeworlds seems to not like my gamepad sad
If I go to the settings and try to map "jump" to a button of the gamepad or to one of the axis...it doesn't react!
It would be cool if you could map mouselook to the right joystick and moving to the left joystick, firing, the hook should be mapped to the buttons on the gamepad.

But how I wrote: that is not possible...the game seems to not see the gamepad.

Does someone know how to make it possible to use a gamepad?


Re: Using Gamepad with teeworlds?

The dev-team have earlier said no to a similar request, but nothing is stopping you from coding it yourself (except you ofc...).

If you make it work, please release a patch smile

Used to be very active waay back


Re: Using Gamepad with teeworlds?

sad I do not have the knowledge to do so...*sniff* what a bummer...