jonte wrote:Shouldn't the projectile originate from the gun barrel rather the center of the player?
Also, initial projectile velocity should be based on the the players current velocity, no?
You don't really take notice in these issues during gameplay thou.
The projectile should come from the gun tip yes. This is something we just haven't fixed yet.
Regarding velocity, yes and no. Inherited velocity is a design decision that depends on what type of game play you have or want to have. This is my own observations that I've made.
In a fast-paced game, quake 3 for an example, your velocity changes quickly and a lot. You tend to prefer not to have inherited velocity because it becomes more predictable and easier to aim. I know that they experimented with this in quake 3 because if you look though the game source code you can find the line that adds the players velocity to the projectile out commented.
In a more low-paced game, tribes 2 for an example, your velocity can be great, but it doesn't change that quick that often. You generally make small adjustments and spend most of your time in the air, or moving straight to a target. In this kind of action you want to have inherited velocity because it helps aiming when two entities are moving in generally the same direction at almost equal speed and you just have to compensate for the speed difference.
Teewars qualifies as the first category and I think that it would not benefit from inherited velocity.