1 (edited by xush 2015-11-02 14:38:03)

Topic: Translator Client [DDNet based]

Hey fellow tees,

today I want to present you something I've been working on today: A client that is able to translate into different languages LIVE, the client is based on DDNet, means it has all features of it.

After turning the feature on, you basically enter a text in you prefered language, and it will apear in the destination language you selected. It also works the other way around, incoming messages are translated aswell in a different chat entry.

IMPORTANT: I know that there is some delay. That is because I used a API, for me it is about 0.5-1 second, depends on your internet speed. Please do not report any issues regarding this problem.

Variables (entered in f1 local console)

cl_trans_in, 0,  "Translate incoming messages"
cl_trans_out, 0,  "Translate outgoing messages"
cl_trans_in_src, "ru",  "Which language are the incoming messages written in?"
cl_trans_in_dest, "en", "Which language should incoming messages be translated?"
cl_trans_out_src, "en", "Which language are the outgoing messages written in?"
cl_trans_out_dest, "ru", "Which language should outgoing messages be translated?"

The standard setup it for communicating in english with a russian parter, as it was originally made to talk to russians who are not able to understand english.

The languages are entered in RFC3066 format, which are most likely common 2 letter abbreviations. (Some examples: "en" = english, "ru" = russian, "de" = german, "fr" = french)
I think you get the drill.

Download (Windows x64 & Linux x64): http://www.mediafire.com/download/rftxu … client.zip
Source: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q96gc … bv/src.zip (compile in DDNet source dir)

Greetings and have fun, xush

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

FIRST big_smile

This client is just epic you did great work!
It is now possible to communicate with people from all over the world, no matter if they are from russia, spain, france etc etc... They'll understand you (I tried it out, was quite funny ^^) and you'll be able to understand them aswell, although the translations are not perfect but good enough. Google couldn't have made it better wink
Also a funny thing is trolling people of you native language with your wide knowledge of languages, since switching is very fast ;D


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

xush wrote:

Source will be shared with anyone who is educated enough, just PM me, I am nice smile

Why? In one or two years you will be inactive, so the source is lost.

Like the infection mod, first day:
"You will need to PM it. I have bad experience with making my mods opensource."
Few months later:
"Lost it, few fragmentations didn't quite help the life of the source."

I will be banned if I troll again ...

4 (edited by xush 2015-10-13 22:33:22)

Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

I will not make it opensource. I just don't want to show that code to someone as its spaghetti at some points.

Plus I don't see why I would not loose these, its just a proof of concept, I can redo that anytime for 0.7, I will start off zero there anyways.

Just enjoy a stable, perfectly fine version for 0.6, won't discuss this further, stick to the topic please.

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.

5 (edited by unsigned char* 2015-10-13 23:15:27)

Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

Nice idea but i think that hard to work nice... more people use words like ppl, gg, thx, etc... and fuck the experience... no?

In other way can be nice (for me xD) that you can use "auto-detection" for incoming/output text and chat commands for output... for example: !t es Hello!

*** Auto detect that i use english and like translate it to spanish...


6 (edited by xush 2015-10-14 10:16:48)

Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

Autodetection was implemented but removed due massive binary size increasement, and I dont want to use another API, clientside chatcommands will probably done.

This one detects shortformes like the ones you mentioned in some cases. I have not had any trouble with that while using it, and I do so for a while.

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.

7 (edited by [pieLover] 2015-10-21 22:57:19)

Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

libopusfile-0.dll is missing when I run DDNet_translator_win64.exe (edit: so it wont open). Have you considered releasing a 32bit windows version?
or the source code? nobody cares about the quality of the code as long as it works fine smile

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

0xc000007b error after adding the DLL files that wore missing from the packedge.
Running Win10 64bit.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

Same error as mentioned above. Win7 64bit.


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

I dont own a windows machine, so i doubt that i will be able to help you in near future, tray to put the executable into a DDNet folder.

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

Already tried. Oh well. Guess I'll not be able to undertand what the german kids text me then.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

I am quite curious--why does it need a DLL that ddnet doesn't, when it is based on it and the modifications are not related to the opus sound library they use for sounds/music being embedded into maps? o_O

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat

13 (edited by xush 2015-11-02 14:39:50)

Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

I don't know - as i said, i do not own a windows machine. Might be a x64 related issue, I will upload the Source today so people might compile it on their own and fix that error.

Edit: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q96gc … bv/src.zip
Compile inside a DDNet directory. Maybe some windows guy can share the binaries here? smile Will be glad to add it in the OP.

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

Here's a non-mediafire direct link: http://piecode.tk/translate-ddnet-src.zip

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

http://joxi.ru/nAyxYn6fx94j2Z - here error image
File is missed - libopusfile-0.dll


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

can you make the client to translate server messages ? thanks !


Re: Translator Client [DDNet based]

oh and can you make it for 0.6 pls ? thx