Topic: [MOD][0.7] gCTF+, iCTF+, CTF+, Clanwar-Mod
Hello Community,
I just made a Clanwar-Mod for Teeworlds.
It supports CTF, iCTF and gCTF (and some more nobody uses).
It features chat options like
/restart - Call vote to restart game
/pause or /stop - Pause game
/go or /start - Start vote to continue paused game
/1on1 to /8on8 - Start vote to set maximum player numbers
The Mod provides some rcon-commands for training:
sv_hook_kill: You can only kill people when they are hooked (only Instagib)
sv_def_training: You can only defend your flag and die if you go to far
There is a lot of stuff in my TODO-List yet, like
disable spawn points (with server command)
some iCTF stuff
If you are missing a feature, write it here or make an issue on Github.
I will add more commands and features for training, too.
You can find the code here:
Feel free to give me a star :3