Topic: [MOD][0.7] LaserBall (L-Ball)
Hello community!
(First of all: sorry for my bad english)
The last few days I worked on my first own mod called L-BALL!
What is L-Ball?
L-Ball stands for LaserBall.
You remember the mod of GreyFox where you have a grenade, used as a Ball and you have to shoot it into the oponents goal?
I really liked the mod, but there was no real "ball feeling", so i tried my best and and created a ball out of lasers and gave it a core. So you can walk against, hammer and hook the ball!
In a Map there can be up to 10Balls. (I could easily add more, but I set this as maximum to not flood the server)
What did I add?
LaserBall Tile: Spawns a LaserBall
BlueGoal Tile: Goal of the blue team
RedGoal Tile: Goal of the red team
Server Settings:
sv_teams: 0: ALL vs. ALL ; 1: RED vs. BLUE
sv_dunking: (For basketball) if the Tee still hooks the ball and scores, he/the team gets 3points
sv_ball_respawn_time: seconds how long the ball needs to respawn after it was scored
sv_damage: Allows to kill tees
ball_gravity: gravity of the ball
ball_bounce: How good the ball can bounce (bad 0.f - very good 1.f)
ball_lose_ground_vel_x: the horizontal speed lose of the ball on ground
ball_lose_air_vel_x: the horizontal speed lose of the ball in air
ball_hook_time: how long a Tee can hook the ball
hammer_ball_strength: how hard the tee can hammer the ball
ball_hooking: allows to hook the ball: 0:no 1:yes 2:hook gets retracted
ball_radius: the radius of the ball
Also reworked the votings a little bit and added vote headers.
(Theay aren't voteable) and other little features in voting.
Make ball hook more smooth
(Problem: reduces max players or use another laser as hook instead of the hook imgMaps (porting 0.6. BALL maps to L-Ball Maps, or creating new ones (also dmg maps maybe)
=> Entities
fine tunings (player walks with ball[also a bit shaky])
Tiles where you get more points (+3/+5)
Don't allow hook player and ball at the same time
Ball change size, rework collision with tiles
add sv_start_grenade can be enabled in no dmg mode, for faster movement
add sv_max_players_per team (Used for 1v1 2v2 ...)
If you have any cool idea what i should add, feel free to tell me!
For now I will NOT release any binarys or source!
I'm no programmer so the code is very messy and also the mod has still a lot of bugs.
Maybe I will release a binary or source code in the feature(not sure)
If you want to create a map: feel free!
I will add Entities soon (or at least give the tiles ID)
And if you're sending me your map I also can run it on the server for testing reasons.
If you want to test the mod I currently run a Server (TW-0.7.5.)
Just search for LaserBall, the mod L-Ball or my name "Anker".
I can't work on the mod for the next 3Weeks, because I have important exams.
But meanwhile I hope you're enjoying my mod and you can give me a lot of feedback and suggestions!