Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

yeah, i love it smile

ima charhgin ma lazerz!!1


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

i am very happy that u like it=)


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

i am very happy that ->I<- LIKE it xD

and i'm happy that u finished the mod smile

ima charhgin ma lazerz!!1


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

The unreal mod is awesome !

30 (edited by oO Homer Oo 2008-04-30 22:16:15)

Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

thx^^... have so many ideas for new mods...but so less time...hm i think next mod will be stoneage-mod...i allready started....

31 (edited by Henry 2008-05-04 00:07:54)

Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Thank you very much smile The UT Mod is the best I've ever seen


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx



Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

i hate spongebob, but the other ones are NICE


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Homer, you put some serious effort into these mods and skins!

Like it very much, please continue your extraordinary work wink



Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Man, I love the Unreal Tournament mod. Great job! Looks perfect smile

36 (edited by oO Homer Oo 2008-05-11 13:32:44)

Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

thanks for sooo much feedback!!
@sub focus: your work is amazing...it is so clean and...wow i cant find words for that ^^

*soon i have more views than the graphic tutorial...


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

the ut-mod is incredible!!! i loooooove it!!! smile

38 (edited by oO Homer Oo 2008-05-16 14:26:52)

Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW mod...NEON-MOD...i took primevils game.png (i hope i am allowed to use it..i was to lazy to ask you;) if you have anything against this i will delete the mod)
i recoloured the weapons with NEON colours and some little reflections...i like them and its fun to play with them;) i also made a new tee called splash...nothing special but i wanted a skin for this mod..its not a very special mod but a nice one i think...hope you enjoy

!!!!!!for the mod look at the FIRST ENTRY !!!!!!!!!!!

*i think i will update the scrrenshots a bit soon to have a better overview...but when i upload screens and took them into a post they are that much little.. i wont them bigger wich size must they have to hve them bigger in a post?


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Good modus big_smile

Player Name in the Game :Lasser big_smile
I play teeworld 0.4.2 cool
http://nuvr.myminicity.com/ good site cool


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Neon mod, I love the pimpin' shotgun <3


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

I think, spongebob mod is the best! funny pictures etc.!

MyRace:   |   run_fool
Me:    |   Pennergame
Clan:    |   «Òó°L»


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

the Spongebob & Mario mod.... it.. ENRAGES ME!!!!!!!!!
some reason whenever i look at Spongebob or Mario i feel a ALMIGHTY SERGE TO KILL!!!!!!!!!
the UT mod is good though! wink

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |

43 (edited by Grueni 2008-09-30 18:26:09)

Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

sad I haven't found the (awesome wink ) Unreal Tournament Game.png
Can anybody please tell me, where it is.
Maybe I can't read big_smile then sorry xD
EDIT: Very stupid xD I found it smile

Niice Work smile

I'm from AUSTRIA = bad english sad

big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile hmm big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Hello everyone!...i am stil living=) I made a break for..hm..a few month because i havent hat much time to spend it in teeworlds. I think i will do an update of my thread verysoon and maybe i will continue working on my my or sth. like that=) Now i have mor experiences with inkscape and so i will make cleaner and better mods like them i did in the past=)


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

welcome back homer

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

welcome back wink
i'm now officaly the forumtroll... they'll edit my title soon - i hope....

ima charhgin ma lazerz!!1

47 (edited by Captain AMN 2008-10-02 15:35:59)

Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

I heard Blood Doner will make a comeback  too. Lets celebrate this by bann(g)ing reaper. smile no seriously i am glad that u are back homer. Your graphics belong to the best ones in this forum! Never lose the enthusiasm to keep on and we will be happy to see more big_smile



Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

Captain AMN wrote:

I heard Blood Doner will make a comeback  too. Lets celebrate this by bann(g)ing reaper. smile no seriously i am glad that u are back homer. Your graphics belong to the best ones in this forum! Never lose the enthusiasm to keep on and we will be happy to see more big_smile

i don't want to be banged sad

ima charhgin ma lazerz!!1


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

So good, your jobs are impressive wink

?¹ G???c? ¹..?.. ||                       QuiD| °RsT°Clan-Leader  [ITA]


Re: [GAME/TEESKIN] Homer's gfx

I like the sweeping mummy skin. I will use it as my personal skin ;-)

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.