Topic: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

I have ported flagball to teeworlds Unfortunately, I couldn't test it thoroughly since no one plays at my server. Expect bugs.

The mod is now available at github. This is a fork of the teeworlds repository. The branch flagball (default) is the mod branch, while the branch teeworlds is the teeworlds master branch with the latest changes merged into flagball.

The new version is 0.3.0. Changelog against the previous version, 0.2.0:

  • [gameplay change] When sv_fb_laser_momentum is set to nonzero value and a ball is shot at, it no longer changes the team it belongs to. Previously a defender could shoot the ball to "own" it and, depending on sv_fb_owngoal value, either avoid the goal or risk making an own goal. Now the ball always belongs to the team that last touched it.

  • [gameplay change] The ball no longer changes colors (swaps with the inactive flag). This ability was lost during the porting, but might be restored in the future.

  • [enhancement] New configuration variable: sv_fb_ball_friction controls the amount of velocity the ball loses while moving. When set to zero, the ball never stops!

  • [deprecation] Configuration variables sv_fb_ball_offset_x and sv_fb_ball_offset_y were deprecated. The ball hookable center is fixed at (0, 38) which corresponds to the visible center of the flag image.

  • [deprecation] Configuration variable sv_fb_welcome_message was deprecated.

I also have set up two flagball servers, one instagib, one vanilla-like. You are welcome to play there.

Unfortunately, I have lost the newer versions of the maps, and only my backup from the ancient era remains. The following maps use wrong images and require update:

  • fb_crossing

  • fb_ctf5

  • fb_skyways

  • fb_summer

  • fb_swingin

  • fb_teamplay

I will be grateful for links to the updated versions.
You may download all maps here.
Here is the list of configuration variables and rcon commands available at a flagball server.
Here is a sample configuration file used at my instagib server.

The credits for the flagball creation should go to datag. Oy and Nilaya helped porting the mod to previous teeworlds versions. See the older threads:


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Oh, that is really cool and unexpected :)
It's probably been 10 years I haven't touched that.
Thanks for the detailed description. I will take care of updating the maps. Maybe pull request them directly on github? un-doing the datasrc/maps submodule.

Maybe you should come on IRC/discord to ask for people to test with you

Not Luck, Just Magic.

3 (edited by 2019-08-12 03:10:25)

Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Sent two PRs on github.
I put windows x86_64 binaries as an attached file.

There is also an issue that causes the game to crash, presumably when *not* in a flagball gamemode
This is where it crashes:

            CBall *b = static_cast<CGameControllerFB *>(GameServer()->m_pController)->m_apBalls[i];
            if(b && !b->GetCarrier())

b is not 0 but b->GetCarrier() is an access violation somehow. Probably because m_apBalls was not a thing in the first place.

Probably very minor since it's not happening in flagball gametypes though smile

Post's attachments

Attachment icon teeworlds_srv_flagball.zip 369.64 kb, 325 downloads since 2019-08-12 

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Two remarks:

- It feels like the flag sounds are swapped?
- Respawn (kill) doesn't work

PS: it's a ton of fun big_smile

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Thank you very much for the maps. I uploaded them to my server. fb_ctf5 wasn't updated though. I downloaded the tool you provided and used it to update fb_ctf5, but the trees still look cut. Hopefully someone will do it manually.

Dune wrote:

There is also an issue that causes the game to crash, presumably when *not* in a flagball gamemode

I fixed it. By quick glance, dm and ctf gamemodes work. My current policy is not to break server compatibility with vanilla, but if there will be many issues like this, I will make it flagball only.

Dune wrote:

- It feels like the flag sounds are swapped?

They could be swapped relative to the older flagball. Previously the sounds were generated manually by server for each player, now it is a single packet, GAMEMSG_CTF_GRAB parameterized by the team, sent to everyone. I think I will leave it as it is now.

Dune wrote:

Respawn (kill) doesn't work

This is intended smile. Self-killing brings advantage in flagball.


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Jini wrote:

Thank you very much for the maps. I uploaded them to my server. fb_ctf5 wasn't updated though. I downloaded the tool you provided and used it to update fb_ctf5, but the trees still look cut. Hopefully someone will do it manually.

I initially forgot to parse fb_ctf5, must be why. I thought I had it fixed.
The way the map_update tool works, is that you use

map_update old_name new_name with 

in the teeworlds folder (data folder must be nearby). The new map will be in the appdata (.config/teeworlds I believe on Linux)

I'm uploading the fb_ctf5.map again here. I tested it and it seems all fine

Jini wrote:
Dune wrote:

There is also an issue that causes the game to crash, presumably when *not* in a flagball gamemode

I fixed it. By quick glance, dm and ctf gamemodes work. My current policy is not to break server compatibility with vanilla, but if there will be many issues like this, I will make it flagball only.

Dune wrote:

- It feels like the flag sounds are swapped?

They could be swapped relative to the older flagball. Previously the sounds were generated manually by server for each player, now it is a single packet, GAMEMSG_CTF_GRAB parameterized by the team, sent to everyone. I think I will leave it as it is now.

Dune wrote:

Respawn (kill) doesn't work

This is intended :). Self-killing brings advantage in flagball.

Cool, thanks :)

We had a pretty nice game today, I forgot how fun Flagball can be. The no-respawn makes sense.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon fb_ctf5_v7.map 7.67 kb, 316 downloads since 2019-08-13 

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Great to see flagball in 0.7 smile

Remember the 80s - good times smile


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

Dune wrote:

I'm uploading the fb_ctf5.map again here. I tested it and it seems all fine

Thank you. I think the tool didn't for me because I have too many client versions installed, and it picked the wrong one.


Re: [MOD][0.7] Flagball

i tried to compile flagball for mac ... and it worked!, here's the binary:

MacOS executable

the binary works correctly

I had never managed to compile a teeworlds server before :D