Topic: Teewars 1v1 Ladder
Now when I've got ur attention
Please register and sign this ladder petition … ?lpid=9130
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EDIT: fixed the subject
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Teeworlds Forum → Community News → Teewars 1v1 Ladder
Now when I've got ur attention
Please register and sign this ladder petition … ?lpid=9130
That's it for now folks...
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EDIT: fixed the subject
Please don't caps the title (or the rest of the post for that sake)
ESL Teewars ladders are open!
ESL will have Teewars ladders (1on1, TDM and CTF) in the New Year or maybe earlier,
I guess ctf and dm have been inverted And even 2o2 ctf looks really not enough, it would be more like a 4o4 format or really at least a 3o3
Anyway it looks like a lot of people actually want some kind of "competition" for teewars (and I am somehow one of those) but in my opinion teewars still misses some essentials features to make it really playable in ladders/cups (eg warmup with ready system, demo, callvote etc)
Don't get me wrong, teewars can be played in ladders or in some kind of official clan war at the moment, but it will be a little tricky
I hope next releases will take this competition aspect in consideration, because actually it is more like a "public" oriented game (wich is also a nice and needed thing). I think the best would be of course a game wich offers both but that is still just my opinion :]
To start the game off I'm having the CTF/TDM ladders allow any team size join rather than having seperate 2on2,3on3 etc ladders
CTF 1on1.. was supposed to be team but I made a mistake setting it up ^^ But as people joined anyway.. I kept it and made a team ladder so now we have DM,CTF 1on1, TDM,CTF 2on2+
Demo, ready, callvote would all be really useful, I was planning on not doing anything till New Year hoping that maybe one more release would come with at least rcon status.. but I think I'll just start now
Awesome. However, I think that you'd almost need 5on5 for that large snow CTF map. But then it'd probably be hard to find enough players for a decent ladder. The smallest CTF map is probably good enough for 2on2, maybe it needs to be a bit bigger. And there should atleast be one more route. Right now everything just clashes in the middle of the map, making the game more about random luck than pure imba skills.
Teeworlds Forum → Community News → Teewars 1v1 Ladder
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