1 (edited by 2019-01-16 00:13:47)

Topic: Help!. Problemas Appcrash.exe

Hello, friends, I want you to help me solve the problem I have in teeworlds.
When I open it closes me and I get a terminal that says autoexe.cfg at the end.
Now delete the file called settings.cfg.
I need to solve this problem because it prevents me from playing teewords.

I had previously published this problem, but they did not solve it!


Re: Help!. Problemas Appcrash.exe

try reinstall teeworlds, think it will work.

Started playing teeworlds since 31 December, 2018.


Re: Help!. Problemas Appcrash.exe

Which version of Teeworlds are you using?

Not Luck, Just Magic.