Topic: Compatibility is important

The new version is out .7
I think the new skin options are great !

But it makes all previous maps and modded servers incompatibly.
I think this is a big issue. Atleast 90% of all players play on modded servers.

Please try to make it compatible as much as possible with the previous version .6

I think the people that are working on tw want to produce the best product for the most people they can reach.

So many people worked together to create alot of different modes and maps.
Its a shame to not include all this work in the new update.

i hope i dont anger anyone by writing this, i really like tw and hope it will become even better in the future.


Re: Compatibility is important

When it comes to 0.7, a protocol change was needed to face DDoS reflection attacks. 0.6 servers really should upgrade.
Otherwise, from time to time, a compatibility break is needed to introduce new features, new gametypes, protocol changes.
Personally, I overall agree with you that major versions should not be too frequent - and so far they haven't been, 0.6 was 7 years ago.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Compatibility is important

Thanks for the information.
Is it maybe possible to make it so the new client displays the old maps correctly?


Re: Compatibility is important

duralakun wrote:

Thanks for the information.
Is it maybe possible to make it so the new client displays the old maps correctly?

It's a server-side thing. Maps need to be updated.
Fortunately, there is an upcoming tool that does it super quickly: https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/ … -450221963

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Compatibility is important

Ok thanks again, nice to see that there will be a tool


Re: Compatibility is important

A tiny hint regarding versioning

Typically if you have X.Y.Z it means X is the major, Y is the minor and Z is a patch level, where major means breaking Changes, minor added functionality but backwards compatibility and patch compatibility, no functionality changes but bugfixes. Here we don't really have minor versions with backwards compatibility, so we basically have 0.major.patch.

Now you say the last major, 0.6 was 7 years ago. 0.6 was long ago, but the last major before was actually 0.7.0, you had breaking changes in 0.7.1 (a _patch_ release that should either be named 0.7.0 (a stable major release) if the now 0.7.0 was truly a beta release or 0.8.0 as it's breaking changes. But then, if 0.7.0 was truly a beta you couldn't have promoted it so much.

In the end, it leaves us with a release cycle of what? Barely 2 month between 0.7.0 and 0.7.1?

Not quite "not too frequent" in my opinion

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)

7 (edited by Deepfinder 2018-12-29 13:38:33)

Re: Compatibility is important

Schwertspize wrote:

Now you say the last major, 0.6 was 7 years ago. 0.6 was long ago, but the last major before was actually 0.7.0, you had breaking changes in 0.7.1 (a _patch_ release that should either be named 0.7.0 (a stable major release) if the now 0.7.0 was truly a beta release or 0.8.0 as it's breaking changes. But then, if 0.7.0 was truly a beta you couldn't have promoted it so much

You forget that we are human beings. It was very important for the motivation of the old devs to finally release 0.7.0. Also it was very important to show the community that Teeworlds isn't dead (remember that nobody could play because of stupid connecting-bots back in the day).
Life isn't always 0 and 1, my little Schwertspize!

I will be banned if I troll again ...