Topic: #1069 Gameplay: Balance LMS
#1069 Issue: Gameplay: Balance LMS
Labels: gameplay
cinaera opened issue at 2013-02-21 16:47:
Current situation:
You start with some weapons, there are no pickups and the round ends, when only 1 tee is alive
Atm it's not really useful to kill a tee because you waste ammo and life. So if you kill much tees you run out of ammo but you will probably be killed in the end by ppl who prefer to hide and run away than seek other players.
Imho there should be some kind of reward ( ammo, shields,.. ?) if you kill a tee or sth else.
oy commented at 2013-02-24 15:05:
Yeah, I think giving a reward (ammo, healt/shield) for a kill would be best to deal with that situation.
This should be done in survival gametypes in general - so in SUR too.
Franchan commented at 2013-05-11 20:49:
If you do that, if the reward is too much like to max out health and ammo, you would only kill one person and then run until there is only fewer tees left.
If it was too little, it wouldn't be worth trying to kill people and camping/ spamming would be more beneficial to gain health/ammo without putting yourself at risk.
Even if it was "just right" I'd guess people would exploit something somehow just to win the game without confronting others.
I haven't played either gametype yet but if this isn't implemented, it might be a better idea to give points by the order of death (EX. out of 16 people, last and second last gets 0 points, first and second gets 8) in addition to increased health/ ammo to incentivize killing people to win than to just give a temporary reward for a kill.
Preventing killstealing is still a problem however....
Fisico commented at 2018-11-10 11:13:
Team LMS/Survival plays out a bit boring cause there is no way to regenerate or pickup more Ammo.
My Idea for a mod with pickups:
player should start with 10 Hearts, 0 Armour, 10 Pistol shots and Hammer
Place some Weapons and Hearts/Armour on the Maps(Symetrical on Sur1) so the rounds are a bit longer and the Players are able to regenerate. So there is way more tension.
Kind of a round based TDM
oy commented at 2018-11-10 15:51:
Don't think that there should be pickups in survival gametypes, matches are supposed to be quick - prefer some kind of reward for killing/hurting others so you're able to keep the pressure on.
Zatline commented at 2018-11-13 07:13:
@oy like this perhaps?
- dead player drops amunition of the weapon he had last, how much?
- dead player drops some armor / health also how much?
- item spawn on dead player? make them pickable for everyone?
Dune-jr commented at 2018-11-13 11:25:
I also think there should not be a way to regenerate health in survival gametypes.
Ammo, however, could help "keep the pressure on", by @oy's words. Not sure how it could be implemented though. Regenerating everything would be a bit much, wouldn't it.
oy commented at 2018-11-13 18:54:
Probably best to just refresh ammo. But kinda hard to find the right balance. Do a pickup? Or automatically give it to the killer? But what if he just finished him off and someone else did f.e. 9 damage before...
Dune-jr commented at 2018-11-13 18:58:
Probably best to ignore killsteal issues imo, not much to do about that.
Automatically give something like +2/+2/+1 shotgun/grenade/laser, mayyybe?
oy commented at 2018-11-13 19:21:
Well, we could reward ammo for the damage you did instead of kills. F.e. for doing 10 damage you get x ammo. Might be more fair?
LordSk commented at 2018-11-15 13:39:
How about exploding drops on death? The weapon could be random, as well as the amount of health/armor. It will create a pressure point on the map and it's also way more fun/intuitive than give some health back based on damage done. Survival is not about being fair after all, it's about surviving.
This also has the added bonus of strategic planning, who do you give the drops to, in a team scenario?
Zatline commented at 2018-11-15 17:45:
How about exploding drops on death? The weapon could be random, as well as the amount of health/armor. It will create a pressure point on the map and it's also way more fun/intuitive than give some health back based on damage done. Survival is not about being fair after all, it's about surviving.
This also has the added bonus of strategic planning, who do you give the drops to, in a team scenario?
@LordSk spawning a weapon seems a bit meh too much perhaps,
I'd suggest spawn ammo instead max 1-2 of the weapon the dead player had last in their hands
btw I kinda like the gradient visuals there