Topic: [MOD] InstaShield ( Instagib)
InstaShield is an instagib mod with a couple of additions.
Laser jumps (explosion only happen when close to a surface)
Self-Shield (makes you invulnerable to shots in the aimed direction)
The shield lasts half a second and is triggered by either the previous weapon key or the next weapon key.
Now if you're like me, you don't have a key bound to those but rather one key for each weapon.
To remedy this issue you can do this:
bind key "+prevweapon; +weapon3"
This will select the 3rd weapon in vanilla (shotgun) and activate the shield in this mode.
You can disable both laser jumps and shields in your server config file / rcon console.
insta_shield 0
insta_laser_jump 0
To enable the mod, put an 'i' before the gametype you want it enabled on, example:
sv_gametype ictf
The gametype will then be displayed as iCTF) to differentiate it from other instagib mods (in this example).
inQontroL The Pro" has kindly been hosting this mod on two servers already, both called
inQontroL LordSk Shield Instagib ...
Gametype icons
Server windows 64bit
Server linux 64bit
Big thanks to Dune for helping me refine this mod, and to The Pro" for hosting it.