Topic: [Mod Assistance] Energy Shield

So i got heavy into modding but im struggling with the smallest most stupid thing in the game, lasers! Yay!

I know it might require maths [Pretty sure thats not my problem here]

My code is messy and isnt working anyhows so if anyone could logically explain how i should do this... Then it would be great!

Any hows. What im trying to do : Laser hits a laser wall and absorbs it.


Re: [Mod Assistance] Energy Shield

Absorb it? What do you mean?

Not Luck, Just Magic.

3 (edited by 2018-09-15 17:23:56)

Re: [Mod Assistance] Energy Shield

So lets say i have a laser wall. I shoot my laser towards the wall but it goes through the laser wall {Shield} . What i cant wrap my head around is how to make the laser stop at the laser wall.

Hmm if i can make it a bit simpler. I want the laser wall to act as a solid block.


Re: [Mod Assistance] Energy Shield

Teemine wrote:

So lets say i have a laser wall. I shoot my laser towards the wall but it goes through the laser wall {Shield} . What i cant wrap my head around is how to make the laser stop at the laser wall.

Hmm if i can make it a bit simpler. I want the laser wall to act as a solid block.

Ah, so it's not a real wall, just a laser thing. Well, I don't know, gotta experiment around in the server-side components I guess

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [Mod Assistance] Energy Shield

Yeah ive been doing that. I managed to get close to what i want... But now if ur not shooting near 90 degree angles then it just spazzes out. Still testing!