Topic: Listed bugs in v0.3.0
Below is a list of bugs in 0.3.0. Below that there's a list with wanted improvements.
· Laggy (?!?)
· CTF bug. If you stand on your team flag and then change teams you will spawn in your new team base holding the old teams flag.
· Server crashes sometimes under Win32 XP v 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254 : Service Pack 2)
· When joining a new server w/o fisrt clicking "disconnect", you'll end up rejoining the same server again.
· Keystroke repeat faster than 1/50 s wont appear is still there.
· Limit spectate area to map borders (one coud get lost )
· Chat abilities in spectate mode? (You can now chat to players (no team chat))
· The shotgun is too good. More even weapon balance!
· Super long hook bug. (I emailed you about it earlier to keep it a secret 'couse you coud crash all clients on the server with it in v0.2.3)
· A message saying its nessecerly to restart TW when changing the resolution
· Show both kills and deaths in TAB stats.
· Ability to see spectator nick list
· If a player carries a flag it shoud be visible wich one when holding TAB also.
· (Team) colored nicks in chat messages.
· Always (team) colored nicks, especially in the top right corner: RallyHagge! ( ••) ????? ( ••) nameless tee
· Auto team balance and team change limitations
· Coloured status message when flag captured, dropped or returned (Also, I think the different sounds are difficult to associate with an event.)
*** RallyHagge! captured the blue flag
*** nameless tee captured the red flag
*** RallyHagge! dropped the blue flag
*** nameless tee dropped the red flag
*** RallyHagge! returned the red flag
*** nameless tee returned the blue flag
· The emoticons are in my opinion pretty useless. There shoud be others for example: !, ?, "Sorry", "haha", "owned", "aaargh!", "No", "Yes", etc...
· Maybe even key binding for quick chat messages? CRTL + 1 = "Defend the base" (for example) CTRL + 2 = ...
...More to come. I'm gonna play more first!
RallyHagge! ( ••) ????? ( ><) Your name