Topic: [PROJECT] TeeWorldsMods
The Project
TeeWorldsMods is a git organization that ideally should contains most of popular or interesting mods for TeeWorlds. Each mod is maintained to be up-to-date with both the original source of the mod and TeeWorlds 0.6. Each mod is in its own repository, with a specific list of branches, each one representing a different flavor of the mod.
Mods that need a dedicated client will not be included in the project, as well as mods based on DDNet, since the initial source code is too different.
GitHub organization:
The branch "master" contains the raw source code of the original repository/source archive. The repository will be exactly equivalent to the original mod, except the delay to update the sources.
The branch "tw06mod-basic" is the version of the mod that is based on TeeWorlds 0.6.4, plus all important modifications:
Chat commands, with "/about" by default added, to know who did the mod, read credits, and find the link to the source code
Deleted client and editor to make the mod easier to compile/download on servers
[Please discuss about potential critical features to add here]
The branch "tw06mod-harmony" is the version of the mod that is based on the branch "tw06mod-basic", plus interesting modifications:
Support of 64 players
[Please discuss about potential interesting features to add here]
I've start to grab source code and created several repositories. This is the state of the project at the moment:
DummyCapture, by Pikotee (master, tw06mod-basic, tw06mod-harmony)
War3, by rajh (master)
fng2, by Jupeyy (master)
OpenFNG, by fstd (master)
Monster, by Neox (master)
Alien, by Mo2 (master)
EXPlorer, by choupom, remade by xush (master)
bInfMod, by Keep (master)
Foot, by GreYFoX (master)
"basic" and "harmony" branches of all these mods will progressively be added.
TeeWorlds itself is in the repository. This fork contains a list of branches for each useful code that I will found. It already contains the code for the chat system, the antispoof (east) and the support of 64 players (DDNet, Neox). But we can add also other known modification like support of utf8 names, account system, animated death zones, fast download, whisper, ... Each of this modification can be a candidate to integrate the "basic" flavor or the "harmony" flavor, and be broadcasted on all mods.
Why this project exists?
It's a way to archive mods and keep them up-to-date. It's also nice to have harmonized mods in term of features, implementation and minimal features. That way, we will be sure that a mod will not be vulnerable to spoofing, or to with chat command flooding.
For me, it's an occasion to learn more about mods, since I'm working on how to generalized them for TeeUniverse. However, this project is not related to TeeUniverse. The only thing that could be related is the implementation of moving death tiles/quads, but only in the harmony branch, or even a separated one, and only if you ask for it And since this implementation need only the vanilla editor, there is absolutely no dependencies with TeeUniverse.
heinrich5991 is welcome to become admin of the organization, in order to keep this alive for a while.