Topic: 55_unhookable: redrawn and revised generic_unhookable
This tileset was intended to look like an intermediary of the 0.6 and 0.7 versions of generic_unhookable, though it also includes several additional tiles (4x4, 1x2, 1.5x1) and colors (grey and light). Sources of the images as Inkscape SVGs are provided, along with automappers for each.
GitHub: (first time using GitHub so I probably did some things wrong)
Automappers: … AUTOMAPPER
Inkscape SVGs: … master/SVG
Using the Tilesets Provided
Navigate to the data/mapres/ folder inside your Teeworlds client directory
Download the PNG images into the mapres folder
Navigate to the data/editor folder inside your client directory
Download the the automapper rules into the editor folder
Editing the Tilesets Provided
Editing of these SVG files can be done using Inkscape
Once the SVG files are opened in Inkscape, you can utilize the layers provided by going to "Layers -> Layers..." in the menus or simply pressing CTRL + SHIFT + L. The layers are primarily there to make it easier to colorize the tiles.
Once you have finished editing the tiles in Inkscape, you can export it as a PNG by going to "File -> Export PNG Image..." or simply pressing CTRL + SHIFT + E
Before you can use the exported PNG image as a tileset in Teeworlds, you must first apply some scripts to the file. These scripts can be downloaded here: under the "Other Downloads" section as "Mapping Graphics Tools"
Once the scripts are downloaded, apply "dilate," "tileset_borderfix," and "tileset_borderadd" to the exported PNG image in that order
Place the image in the data/mapres/ folder in your client directory
If you need an automapper for that tileset, remember to rename the automapper rules file in the data/editor folder so that it has the same name as the PNG image