Topic: [Feature/Bug] player synchronous animations
Okay this something between a feature-request and a bug.
Envelope animations obviously start in the moment the player joins, and are not part of "the world". For twinkling stars like in ctf2 this hardly matters, however map-editors have started for example to use the envelope feature to creates night/day cycles in a world.
What is needed is the server counting ticks of the world, and when a new player joins the client is told the offset of animations where to start.
Say for example player A joins... 3 minutes later player B joins....1 minute layer night falls for player A .. but player B has still day.... Player A chats his "flabbergasted oohhhs and ahhhs" about the night fall animations, player B doesn't understand what he is oohing and ahhing about.
While in my case night is only some thing to make it sweeter, another level has arised where night/day give gamerelevant stratetic differences, as it is more difficult to see enemies at night when they don't walk into a light cone... Here the offset between players is a real stopper...