1 (edited by Ace 2016-04-05 02:12:40)

Topic: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

This is a rather simple mod. There is one flag on the map and who ever carries it gets one point per second.
The flag will spawn at the red flag stand, in case anybody wants to make a map for it.

I also modded the weapons, but it is optional to use these. The server command for these are
"sv_insta 0" activates the regular mode with pick ups and normal weapons
"sv_insta 1" Hammer only and every hit kills,
"sv_insta 2" Gun only, every shot kills
"sv_insta 4" Shotgun only, every shot kills
"sv_insta 8" Grenade launcher only, every hit kills, explosions don't do damage
"sv_insta 16" Laser rifle only, every shot kills
"sv_insta 32" Ninja only.
To combine weapons just add their numbers. For instance sv_insta 18 gives you the rifle and the gun. If you combine the ninja with an other weapon you can switch between them with the mousewheel like you can switch any other weapon.
There's another command which determines whether a weapon is automatic
"sv_fullauto x"
where x is a number and the number works the same as for sv_insta.

You can get the Mod incl. source and maps here:

It would be appreciated if someone would compile it for windows and mac

Best regards

*Fixed Scoreboard bug
*Ninja only (sv_insta 32) works now as intended
*If there is no flag stand the flag will be placed on the ground below the middle of the map (standard maps now playable)

Update 2:
*Added portals:
     A portal will bring you to the closest portal to the flag. This is useful for big maps, so that the flagger can't hide. You can place them on your map with the gametile to the right of the laser.
     I recommend appending teleport_append.map in the editor and use that layer to indicate your portals.
*The flag will spawn at a random flagstand if more than one is on the map.

2 (edited by Schwertspize 2016-02-04 08:51:00)

Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Can't you just create a github repo?
Edit 1: also the bam files are missing
Edit 2: map is missing, too

Edit 3: https://github.com/Schwertspize/Carry
I used standard teeworlds 0.6 lua files/other/..., added the config but the map is still missing
Added maps too.

@Ace, if you want to "claim" this repository, write me a pm, otherwise it's designed for the public.

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Schwertspize wrote:

Can't you just create a github repo?
Edit 1: also the bam files are missing
Edit 2: map is missing, too

Edit 3: https://github.com/Schwertspize/Carry
I used standard teeworlds 0.6 lua files/other/..., added the config but the map is still missing.

@Ace, if you want to "claim" this repository, write me a pm, otherwise it's designed for the public.

Thank you for uploading it to github. I guess that makes it easier, I just uploaded the folder that I actually changed.
The maps are in a separate thread as I felt that those belong in the Maps category.


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Good, I added the maps. (you didn't write me a pm, so you don't actually want to take over that repo? Interesting)

As soon as my new server is there, I will set up a reference server for you

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

As this is the first programming project that I didn't do exclusively for myself, I never came in contact with github before. I don't really know what it would mean to take over the repo. I'll look into it for my next mod or if I do any follow up versions of this one, but for the moment I'm content that someone else handled it.


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Sounds like Hold the Flag smile

You could code it in a way all ctf maps are compatible.
The way others did before is only 1 flag spawns and anyone can grab it.

check out these maps: infiltrate - choco - dustycloud


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Didn't know it has been done before, but given the simplicity, it was to be expected. CTF maps are compatible in the sense, that only the red flag spawns. Is that what you meant, or do you mean that there should be two flags that can score?


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Interesting mod, if some maps are made, whatabout opening a server ?

IGN = in-game name = the name you have when playing = the name you have when playing this game named teeworlds = the game you have playing this name gamed teeworlds and not the clan = Feeder


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

My internet is nowhere near fast enough, to allow pings under ~150ms, so it isn't fun to play on my server and I haven't figured out how my router firewall really works, sometimes it gets through, sometimes it doesn't. That's why there isn't a server up for this mod on my PC.


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

I will put a server online, soon

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Slinack wrote:

Sounds like Hold the Flag smile

You could code it in a way all ctf maps are compatible.
The way others did before is only 1 flag spawns and anyone can grab it.


What i did in hold the flag, is, spawn the flag between the two original flag spawns on ctf maps and if there is no flag spawn, it'll be at the center of the map. This makes nearly every map compatible by default.^^


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

That's really clever. Mind if I do it similarly?


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Do so smile


Re: [MOD] "Carry" Get the flag!

Updated Version. Also there are now servers online smile