Topic: A simple ranking system for teeworlds
What is is a simple ranking system for teeworlds. It works out of the box and doesn't require any change either client-side or server-side. You can check it at and read the source code on github.
Despite the similar name, this project have (almost) nothing to do with the account system project.
How does it work?
It is based on ELO rating system. Every 3 minutes it pull every CTF servers and compute how much point each players have made during this 3 minutes period. It then update each players ELO according to the player progression. You can find the exact formula in src/elo.c.
The design is the same as the official teeworlds website but the logo will be changed soon (once I can put my hand on the font used for the teeworlds logo ).
Feel free to post your ideas or send pull requests. Enjoy