Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

I've actually had a lot of trouble compiling on Windows, it's much simpler on Ubuntu in my experience. But running Teeworlds in a VM is suboptimal.
Here's a feature/change idea for allowing menu interaction in not-just-the-escape-menu: something like the emote selector, but with a different key, with its' contents filled by the server. Some 0.6 modifications had you bind stuff to switch to it's many weapons--this could solve it, and be quick and easily interacted with, and also bind-able optionally by something like 'serveractionwheel 9', like 'emote 9'. Thoughts?

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Compiling on Linux is much simpler indeed, that is the reason why I don't provide a native Windows build yet. But as I see it, the only easy way to circumvent the need of compiling would be the implementation of something like Lua. Wouldn't be that difficult at all, but the thing is that this mod is intended to be embedded into other mods, and I really don't want to force anybody to implement Lua aswell.
I also thought that it might be a bit annoying to always open the esc-menu to interact with the GUI, that's right. Your idea about how to deal it sounds quite good, I have to admit that having a bind to make the menu popping up didn't came to my mind yet, thanks smile Though, there are a few complications to deal with. For example the bind couldn't toggle the menu, it could just open it up (because there are text boxes etc to interact with...). But for me it makes not a big difference whether I press q or esc. One idea of me is to seperate displaying-menus in which the client just gets some information from the server (e.g. to replace the need of abusing the broadcasting, which doesn't exist in 0.7 anymore), and interaction-menus where the client can, well, interact. We'll see what time brings... smile


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Good news, I just punched out Beta2, bringing along many new GUI elements and optimizations! Please see my initial post for more information.


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]


Beta3 released, bringing along Listboxes (which where quite complicated to figure out wink)
Also, a lot of code refractoring has been done. See my initial post for all information.

øıµĸ!! - I finally gave up on cross compiling for windows and had no time yet to setup everything on Windows myself, so I'm searching someone to be so kind and compile a Windows build for both Client and Server smile Just PM me (or write it here, shouldn't matter hmm Dunno if I see the pm xD)


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Great smile Maybe it the right time to start the integration in ModAPI ?


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

That would be an idea indeed tongue You might have seen that beta3 could possibly be the last beta, so that would be really the time to start wink
I'll see if there are some GUI elements left which I'd really like to add, but this is only a small task and could be added by update afterwards. Anything else is just fixing and cleanup of buggy crumbs that I forgot in my code xD

Look forward to get my PR, implementing NetGUI is not a big deal (exactly how I wanted it to be big_smile)


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

How do you want to proceed ? You merge both code together and then you send a pull request to ModAPI ? I will integrate it as a branch since some modifications must be done (replace "NetGUI" par "ModAPI" in function name, remove examples, ...). I can also do it myself, but later, since I working on other part of the code right now.

We can discuss after how to continue the work on GUI. ModAPI can embed images, so Msg_ModAPI_Sv_GUISprite and Msg_ModAPI_Sv_GUISpriteButton could be added. This could be funny for class selection. The same can be done for wheel also.


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

I'll do that, there are a few important things left before it is as much finished as I want it to be. But I don't understand why you want to rename everything? It is NetGUI anyway so why rename it? tongue Not renaming = less danger of nameclashes ^^

34 (edited by necropotame 2015-12-28 12:28:38)

Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

I think it's better for coherence. ModAPI provide new stuff that are all identifiable with the term "ModAPI".

But let's discuss this later, it's a minor issue (or in this issue)


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Ok I've got good news and bad news tongue

The bad ones first:
I did a big mess with Beta3, it is completely broken and not usable. But I just released Beta3-rev1 which (sadly) removes Listboxes again, but fixes the mess.

Now the good news:
NetGUI and ModAPI are finally about to team-up wink I commited the first basic implementation a couple of minutes ago. It is a sample implementation which could be done in any other mod, so I created a patch file from that commit for you ^^ Just "git apply" it and you're also done with implementing NetGUI. You can download it here [zip], or view it in my Gist


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

All Windows people out there: Finally, I can now provide builds for you ^^

I updated the download links. They are also in my bintray directory, to which you get by clicking the big "Download master" button there.


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Nice, I like it

I will be banned if I troll again ...


Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Didn't you want to go on collision path with modapi? If so, I would thank you if the implementation goes in the master branch (of modapi) and the implementation plus examples in server-example branch (modapi). That's the branch my sevrer is based om

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)

39 (edited by Henningstone 2016-01-04 16:58:35)

Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

First of all, this you post doesn't belong in this thread, it belongs rather here.
Secondly, don't panic, I support ModAPI, yes. But I also develop NetGUI as a standalone modification to be embedded into other mods who don't want to use ModAPI. And if you would have read carefully on the ModAPI repo, you would know that the branch-seperation is wanted like this, and will be merged when I have finished rewriting NetGUI for ModAPI (which I don't have). Also, necropotame wanted me to remove the example. But yoru idea to use it for the "server-example" branch is good, since it is the example smile
I will manage everything when time has come, but it also takes some time.

40 (edited by [pieLover] 2016-01-05 05:24:55)

Re: [MOD/0.7] NetGUI - embeddable networking GUIs! [new/beta]

Henningstone wrote:

All Windows people out there: Finally, I can now provide builds for you ^^
I updated the download links. --snip

Having a bit of issues getting that able to see any servers, and took quite a bit of derping to get all the UI images to be found, because all you linked was a github with the datasrc dir, and a .exe, we kinda need a .zip with the .exe + "compiled" (if that's even needed, idk) data dir

edit Before anyone clicks  this it'll probably be outdated, but here's a slightly better arrangement. Still won't read from server list.and an up1.ca rehost just in case

Clan: Riot (I'm one of three leaders: Mile, Deku, pie)
Host teeworlds maps on a fng/ctf/dm/ddrace server for testing:http://riotproductions.tk/teewo/ broken-need reinstall nginx http://riotproductions.tk/bounce?whatEven, Teeworlds NA Discord chat