android272 wrote:This would be kinda weird and I am wondering how vanilla would handle this? would it just not know about this layer? I think the current entity system would need to change in order to for this to work. Maybe not, I don't know. Any word from the devs?
A map in made of several MapItem (map version, images, layer, group, ...), each type identified by an ID. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that the vanilla client never check if all MapItems are known. Instead, the client just search for the MapItem that he want to read. So basicly, we can put anything inside. The ModLayer will be a way to associate any information to any tile without poluate the GameLayer. We can also add EntityQuads to make "DeathQuads" for example.
android272 wrote:I think the first thing that would need to be done with the gun system is to mimic all the current guns exactly. then make it so that you can make small variations. Example fire rate, reload speed, magazine size etc. basically make the functionality of the pistol, then add some modifications so that it would fire like an oozy, AK, AR15. You could come up with some awesome weapons with just the current functionality. If you were to change the grenade launcher to that it does not explode on impact but 5 seconds after it had been shot, you could then make it so that it reflects like the beam rifle. This would give it the appearance of the grenade bouncing.
That's exactly what I'm doing I want the new system much more generic, but also able to mimic exactly the vanilla behaviour.