Topic: Cliffhanger

Hey guys! So basically this is a request/question.
On teeworlds 0.4.3 there was a mod called cliffhanger, which is ictf with unlimited hook, and a custom map called cliffhangerista, which was a huge map with flags at both ends, and in the middle there was blocks in the air for you to hook. The result was like spider-man ictf, and it was very fun. You were always in the air, doing crazy laser fights moving around really fast etc.

I'd like to know if anyone could bring back this mod or if anyone would even have the mod? I know it's very old but I think it could be popular with the new players!

Cheers! big_smile


Re: Cliffhanger

So, its just iCTF with server tunings?

I will be banned if I troll again ...


Re: Cliffhanger

http://heinrich5991.de/teeworlds/maps/m … 331fdb.map

This map? ^^


Re: Cliffhanger

Heinrich.... I LOVE YOU

I will soon make a mirror of it

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: Cliffhanger

Haha, good memories :)

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Cliffhanger

Yeah I guess its just ictf with server tunings and that map!! To the guy that said he will make a mirror of it that would be awesome! big_smile I'm happy some people remember it!!!