1 (edited by nohack2win555 2020-05-18 00:41:25)

Topic: DDNet Mod



Re: DDNet Mod

first: you have to add the cheats yourself, see my post on **your other questions** (where you ask the same, btw)
seconde: the game type is a server setting. read the ddnet article about that.

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: DDNet Mod

You are wrong. It is possiblen and it is quite simple, just one string to change in gametype.h.

But thats just how I define a bad admin.

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.


Re: DDNet Mod

xush wrote:

You are wrong. It is possiblen and it is quite simple, just one string to change in gametype.h.

But thats just how I define a bad admin.

"I totally hate when people do it. Here's how to do it:"


Re: DDNet Mod

I wanted to make a constructive post. I don't see a problem, can't I state my opinion while being helpful?

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.


Re: DDNet Mod

If you're truely unsupportive of that practice, you should not provide tips, should you?

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: DDNet Mod

Oh my god dune, you are absolutely correct! How dare I providing tips for such a practice? Where are my manners?

Here you got complete binaries instead, my friend: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9g84h … Net-Server

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Proudly verkeckt since 2010.


Re: DDNet Mod

xDDDD don't continue with this! the final isn't good tongue
