Topic: Fullscreen and cursor problem I've never seen before.
Apologies for my possibly poor grammar.
Hello there!
So, since I upgraded to Windows 10 (Pro x64), I've encountered two problems with Teeworlds.
Apparently, my cursor became sentient, because it now moves on its own, as shown in this demo (zip): … d39354e50d
In this video, I am trying to slowly rotate my cursor. As you can see, it moves by itself toward the cardinal points and the diagonals. When in the main menu, my cursor moves a lot more, mostly towards left and right, until it gets out of sight.
I have no problem with my cursor at all outside Teeworlds.
My screen also started acting up. When playing in fullscreen, I can only see a portion of my screen.
This is a fullscreen capture at 800x600. No cropping at all. Changing the resolution doesn't help whatsoever. Again, this problem is only encountered in Teeworlds, all my other games are fine.
What I've tried so far:
-Yes, I turned TW and my PC off and on
-I deleted all the TW configs in %appdata%. Didn't work.
-I deleted all the TW configs and downloaded it again. Didn't work
This could be a graphics driver error, but I doubt it since all my other games are fine.
Thanks in advance to whoever can help me!
EDIT: What the hell, I think I'm onto something....
The cursor glitch is less prominent when I activate V-sync. It's still acting up, but at a very slower, playable rate.
Ain't much else to tell. Holler me up on Riot servers!