Topic: [MOD] CStrike - Counter Strike based on OpenFng
Counter Strike
CStrike is an openfng based mod that has the additional items.
Active Weapon: Current active weapon that players have in hands.
SubActive: Sub active weapon - many items are under any weapons.
Command: Command to buy from shop.
Default: Any Players have this item.
first, players items&commands that can be used in the game.
Red Players items = Terrorists items
Active Weapon: NINJA ▶ SubActive: Knife |Command: Default kill by knife.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Hammer |Command: Default usual hammer.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Minehit |Command: /minhit mine that hit players like a hammer hit.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: MineFreeze |Command:/minefreeze mine that freeze others.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: MineKill |Command: /minekill mine for killing players.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Flash |Command: /flash make lag (speed) for players.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Smoke |Command: /smoke make lag (accel) for players.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Grenade |Command: /grenade freeze players on impact part.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Shield |Command: /shield Secure the players from other weapons.
Active Weapon: Gun ⊗ SubActive: Glock |Command: /glock usual gun.
Active Weapon: Gun ⊗ SubActive: Desert |Command: /desert gun by high impact.
Active Weapon: Grenade ⊛ SubActive: RPG |Command: /rpg usual grenade.
Active Weapon: Rifle ⊙ SubActive: AWP |Command: /awp New Low-speed laser weapon.
Active Weapon: Rifle ⊙ SubActive: AK47 |Command: /ak47 New High-speed laser weapon.
Blue Players items = Counter Terrorists items
Active Weapon: NINJA ▶ SubActive: Knife |Command: Default kill by knife.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Hammer |Command: Default usual hammer.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Minehit |Command: /minhit_c mine that hit players like a hammer hit.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: MineFreeze |Command:/minefreeze_c mine that freeze others.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: MineKill |Command: /minekill_c mine for killing players.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Flash |Command: /flash_c make lag (speed) for players.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Smoke |Command: /smoke_c make lag (accel) for players.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Grenade |Command: /grenade_c freeze players on impact part.
Active Weapon: Hammer ▶ SubActive: Shield |Command: /shield_c Secure the players from other weapons.
Active Weapon: Gun ⊗ SubActive: USP |Command: /usp_c usual gun.
Active Weapon: Gun ⊗ SubActive: Desert |Command: /desert_c gun by high impact.
Active Weapon: Shotgun ⊛ SubActive: FAMAS |Command: /famas_c usual shotgun.
Active Weapon: Rifle ⊙ SubActive: AWP |Command: /awp_c New Low-speed laser weapon.
Active Weapon: Rifle ⊙ SubActive: MP4a |Command: /m4a_c New High-speed laser weapon.
/buy you can use this command to see all items.
All of these items can be bought from the vote menu(settings).
Bomb: this mod doesn't have any bomb for terrorist.
Buy Zone: you can buy items just in terrorist or counter terrorist buy zone.
Round 1: in the first round you can't buy any item and you just have a hammer and a knife.
Change Sub Active Weapons: you can use emote Oops or bind a kay for command /st to change sub active weapons (bind s say /st).
Server Commands and Settings
setting, default, minimum, maximum, info.
sv_roundlimit, 20, 0, 1000, "Round limit (0 disables)"-----default
sv_scorelimit, 0, 0, 1000, "Score limit (0 disables)"
sv_timelimit, 0, 0, 1000, "Time limit in minutes (0 disables)"
// CStrike Config
sv_buy_minehit, 100, 0, 10000, "money for buy minehit"
sv_buy_minefreeze, 200, 0, 10000, "money for buy minefreeze"
sv_buy_minekill, 300, 0, 10000, "money for buy minekill"
sv_buy_smoke, 300, 0, 10000, "money for buy smoke"
sv_buy_flash, 200, 0, 10000, "money for buy flash"
sv_buy_grenade, 300, 0, 10000, "money for buy grenade"
sv_buy_shield, 300, 0, 10000, "money for buy shield"
sv_buy_usp, 500, 0, 10000, "money for buy usp"
sv_buy_glock, 400, 0, 10000, "money for buy glock"
sv_buy_desert, 650, 0, 10000, "money for buy desert"
sv_buy_famas, 2250, 0, 10000, "money for buy famas"
sv_buy_rpg, 2250, 0, 10000, "money for buy rpg"
sv_buy_awp, 4750, 0, 10000, "money for buy awp"
sv_buy_mp4a, 3100, 0, 10000, "money for buy mp4a"
sv_buy_ak47, 2500, 0, 10000, "money for buy ak47"
sv_many_add_minehit, 3, 0, 10000, "how many add minehit"
sv_many_add_minefreeze, 5, 0, 10000, "how many add minefreeze"
sv_many_add_minekill, 1, 0, 10000, "how many add minekill"
sv_many_add_smoke, 1, 0, 10000, "how many add smoke"
sv_many_add_flash, 2, 0, 10000, "how many add flash"
sv_many_add_grenade, 2, 0, 10000, "how many add grenade"
sv_many_add_shield, 2, 0, 10000, "how many add shield"
sv_many_add_usp, 112, 0, 10000, "how many add usp"
sv_many_add_glock, 140, 0, 10000, "how many add glock"
sv_many_add_desert, 42, 0, 10000, "how many add desert"
sv_many_add_famas, 115, 0, 10000, "how many add famas"
sv_many_add_rpg, 115, 0, 10000, "how many add rpg"
sv_many_add_awp, 40, 0, 10000, "how many add awp"
sv_many_add_mp4a, 120, 0, 10000, "how many add mp4a"
sv_many_add_ak47, 120, 0, 10000, "how many add ak47"
sv_money_one_minehit, 33, 0, 10000, "money for one minehit"
sv_money_one_minefreeze, 40, 0, 10000, "money for one minefreeze"
sv_money_one_minekill, 300, 0, 10000, "money for one minekill"
sv_money_one_smoke, 300, 0, 10000, "money for one smoke"
sv_money_one_flash, 100, 0, 10000, "money for one flash"
sv_money_one_grenade, 150, 0, 10000, "money for one grenade"
sv_money_one_shield, 150, 0, 10000, "money for one shield"
sv_money_one_ammo_usp, 2, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo usp"
sv_money_one_ammo_glock, 1, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo glock"
sv_money_one_ammo_desert, 5, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo desert"
sv_money_one_ammo_famas, 2, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo famas"
sv_money_one_ammo_rpg, 2, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo rpg"
sv_money_one_ammo_awp, 12, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo awp"
sv_money_one_ammo_mp4a, 2, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo mp4a"
sv_money_one_ammo_ak47, 3, 0, 10000, "money for one ammo ak47"
sv_health_minehit, 1, 0, 10000, "how many health minehit"//used
sv_health_minefreeze, 10, 0, 10000, "how many health minefreeze"//used
sv_health_minekill, 0, 0, 10000, "how many health minekill"
sv_health_smoke, 1, 0, 10000, "how many health smoke"//used
sv_health_flash, 1, 0, 10000, "how many health flash"//used
sv_health_grenade, 10, 0, 10000, "how many health grenade"
sv_health_usp, 1, 0, 10000, "how many health usp"//used
sv_health_glock, 1, 0, 10000, "how many health glock"
sv_health_desert, 2, 0, 10000, "how many health desert"//used
sv_health_famas, 3, 0, 10000, "how many health famas"
sv_health_rpg, 3, 0, 10000, "how many health rpg"
sv_health_awp, 2, 0, 10000, "how many health awp"
sv_health_mp4a, 1, 0, 10000, "how many health mp4a"
sv_health_ak47, 3, 0, 10000, "how many health ak47"//used
sv_health_Knife, 5, 0, 10000, "how many health knife"//used
sv_kill_mine, 30, 0, 10000, "money for kill by mine"
sv_kill_hammer, 30, 0, 10000, "money for kill by hammer"
sv_kill_knife, 50, 0, 10000, "money for kill by knife"
sv_money_looser, 5000, 0, 10000, "money that add in player of entered client in game"
sv_money_winner, 5000, 0, 10000, "money that can be added at any round for both team"//used
sv_money_teamflag, 200, 0, 10000, "money for team flag"
sv_money_whiteflag, 100, 0, 10000, "money for white flag"
//-----------------------------------------------------Smoke&Flash Lage Time
sv_smoke_lage_time, 10, 0, 10000, "time that smoke make lag"
sv_flash_lage_time, 10, 0, 10000, "time that flash make lag"
sv_shield_time, 10, 0, 10000, "time that player is sheild"
//-----------------------------------------------------Buy Time
sv_buy_time, 3000, 0, 10000, "time for buy from shop (sec)"
Map: for create map for this mod use below image, use tiles for creating buy zone.
cstrike.cfg: this file contained all setting that in this mod can be used.
SRC: Available.
For Create Map Use this entities
windows 32bit link1
windows 32bit link2
Map: link1 link2
cstrike.cfg link1
cstrike.cfg link2
CStrike Source Zip:
cstrike source link
Please report any bugs that exist in this mod.
have fun.