Topic: Flashing Weapons/Health/Tees
Hello! I've been searching all over and I cannot find a fix for this - I know it's on my end but for the life of me I cannot figure out what. All the weapons, health/shields, other tees just keep flashing in and out at a high rate, as if I'm not receiving all the information about them from the server properly. The game maps are fine, and my own tee/weapon is normal, but everything that my computer needs updates from the server is flashing. Previously some, low ping servers were OK while others were not, but recently it has changed to where all servers have this problem for me. A few times I would alt-tab out of the game, the problem would be fixed when returning, but slowly everything would begin flashing again, so I thought it might be some information lag issue.
I tried a number of in-game fixes in the f1 console with some advice from players online, but none of them worked (can't remember exactly what was tried, sadly). I deleted all files, got a fresh install of 0.6.3, updated my graphics card driver (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650) and the problem persists. All other games' graphics on my PC work fine. What things should I try to fix this? Or is this just a strange lag issue that I've got going on?