Topic: Compiling teeworlds 0.6.3 Win7 MS VS 2010
My goal is to compile teeworlds client using MSVS.
I'm not experienced in Python or bam, thats why I have chosen my regular IDE.
I have created a project for teeworlds and succesfully handle SDL and freetype additional libraries.
Now I stuck with error (70 ones) saying
error LNK2019: unresolved external __imp__glDeleteTextures@8 in function "private: void __thiscall CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL::Cmd_Texture_Destroy(struct CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Destroy const *)" (?Cmd_Texture_Destroy@CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL@@AAEXPBUSCommand_Texture_Destroy@CCommandBuffer@@@Z) $(SourceDir)\teeworlds\teeworlds\backend_sdl.obj
As far as I know, I need to find OpenGL libraries and add path to project properties. But OpenGL should be shipped with my OS.
What OpenGL libraries are teeworlds using?