1 (edited by Pathos 2014-09-07 19:32:50)

Topic: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

On top of voting, please post a reply on what you've answered! What features do you use from that client? I think it's also nice to know what top players use as well. Which features are missing from your client that you wish was on from other clients?

I personally use DDNet. I like the antiping feature on it without the ghost and it helps me play against competitive players in high ping regions, especially Europe. Zandy showed me TDTW but it got hectic when there were four or more players in a tight spot and there was no way to get rid of the ghosts, so I told him about DDNet as well. I use the "--silent" argument on the shortcut to get rid of the black window, AKA console/command prompt (should be default IMO).

I like the weapons interface from TDTW. On other clients, I would have to switch weapons back and forth to see how much ammo I got, but TDTW shows the ammo count for all weapons.

I have experience with 0.6.1 Japanese translated version, which currently the latest, Gamer, TDTW, latest vanilla, Sushi, etc.(?)


Re: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

I use Sushi's Clientpack, obviously because I am a racer. I like the race features (ghosts and automatically cut demos). That's kinda it.

I like this post, because me and Sushi are actually working on a Universal Client, which is supposed to feature the most loved features out of every client! Get hyped.

Move along, nothing to see here, really.

3 (edited by Zgokee 2014-09-08 18:29:54)

Re: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

Sushi client for tee comp, teerace, and the ability to them off certain (can't remember the name doodads? Envelopes? Idk) one by one.

4 (edited by binx 2014-09-09 16:19:29)

Re: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

I used Gamer since the day I learnt there were other clients, but switched to Sushi 2 days ago, because I learnt how to remove the spam block (couldn't use my help bind twice in a row because of it).

Anyway, I just created an account just to say a Universal Client is an awesome idea. I wish you good luck and I'm waiting for it.

I like :
- DDNet : one colour by mod in the servers' list, easy to connect dummy
- Sushi : stats data, automatic screeshots/demo
- Gamer : the Spree Sounds, the two Health Bars, the send_position option

Edit : I like scrolling in the voting options and in the server list... It's a must have.

5 (edited by Siile 2014-09-08 19:57:56)

Re: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

I use my own client (http://youtu.be/Lb2jXxv7bUs).

It doesn't really add any extra functionality, but feels great. I play non-competitive.


Re: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

I used to use Gamer but it got so outdated I left it.
Then I started using H-Client because of all the extra features it had, specialy the hook aim line.
Some time later, DDNet showed up, and with it, a dummy system that works great and has the hook aim line from H-Client.

I now use a more personal private client that is based on DDNET but has lots of HClient and other client features.

However, I actually like a lot more Siile's aim line. I'm hoping he actually release the source so my dev can add the aim line he created instead of the current one.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: What client do you use and what features/functions do you use?

I'm using DDNet, because of the DDRace-features (demo,dummy,...).
I guess there are other clients that contain a similar or equal functionality to what I need, but I used DDNet for a while and as long as I don't need another feature that ddnet doesn't offer to me I guess I'll stay with it.