Topic: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

How i can make a cfg for kobra 2 map and make a timer for /r in XXLDDRACE???


Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

Name the file kobra 2.cfg (or whatever the map name is) and it will be executed when the map is loaded.

How to database by FFanta: http://puu.sh/jdPVk/fa37a95ac2.png


Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

If player end the map it not send it the rank!!!!


Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

Maybe because you cheated with super etc? wink

How to database by FFanta: http://puu.sh/jdPVk/fa37a95ac2.png

5 (edited by 2014-09-04 23:34:59)

Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer


Who know how to set a timer for /r?

/r for ddnet ?


Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

ddnet doesn't support rescue. For XXL, there's a command thought I don't remember. Try to find it yourself. Press TAB to view commands available after pressing <F2>.
Btw, ranks do not work if you use admin cheats, because, you know, why not?

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

I searched.There is no command!!!!


Re: Make a cfg for kobra2map And /r timer

Moved to the appropiate forum // heinrich5991