Topic: Any Australian's around?

I'am a Australian and I could not find anyone that is Australian on Tee worlds. Plus all the servers are from different countries then mine, that means I lag so hard and I couldn't play like this.

If there are any Australians around, can you please create a server or tell me how to not lag at all???

2 (edited by Broken 2013-05-04 09:03:03)

Re: Any Australian's around?

I've never seen an Australian server, but I've seen several players from AU and NZ. It takes a lot of skill to get good at that ping for sure, and it's very unpleasant.

You might consider setting up your own server ( http://tiny.cc/twserver ) or renting a vps locally. A lot of the high ping players I know that live in remote areas will do this. Also if you play ddrace, check out iddrace, you can play it locally on a LAN, as well as any solo mods.


Re: Any Australian's around?

I've already played against an Australian and another guy from New Z., but they played on EU servers. I don't think there's any Teeworlds server hosted there.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Any Australian's around?

Erpuma wrote:

I'am a Australian and I could not find anyone that is Australian on Tee worlds. Plus all the servers are from different countries then mine, that means I lag so hard and I couldn't play like this.

If there are any Australians around, can you please create a server or tell me how to not lag at all???

I know very good example. Iranian players have lags on most tw server like you have, so they created their [Persian] communitee and host [Persian] servers of most popular gametypes. Their servers are protected by password, which is known by persian players only (to avoid lagging european players). At the end, i can say, that [Persian] servers are not empty and all players on them have ping < 50 smile Everything in your hands wink


Re: Any Australian's around?

i have also the pw of persian servers, gnihihi^^

@Erpuma: ever tried to search for country flaggs or decrease the maximum ping in search filter?

#yemDX is a known troll

6 (edited by ozbitfighter 2013-06-23 13:36:30)

Re: Any Australian's around?

Erpuma wrote:

If there are any Australians around, can you please create a server or tell me how to not lag at all???

There's now an Australian server with an associated TeamSpeak server. The Teeworld server is called "Community Teeworlds [DM]" and it's the only one I can see with a ping lower then 100ms.

Every now and again an Australian pops in but I have it left open. As an aside could there be a distinctive sound when a new player pops in. Now there isn't and you're not sure if the sounds are from level changes or not.

I'm ozbitfighter on the server.


Re: Any Australian's around?

Im half-Australian :C
