::Tick() function is called 50 times per second (normal), you can use it for timing stuff
character.cpp -> Information about the character (you don't say). health, ammo, current weapon, alive? -> you can kill a character here or takedamage
player.cpp -> Information about the player on the server, if character exists, then there is also a player, this file/class is handling for instance the team, scoreboard score. the ::snap(int SnappingClient) function "renders" the player with some given information for the client with the number snappingclient
laser.cpp / projectile.cpp: here you can modify the projectiles or the laser ray.
gamecontext.cpp is the "global server" (i know it's wrong, but it's easier to imagine, imo)... while player and character are 1 "person", you can handle in this file more players m_apPlayers[...] is the reference to player.cpp, this is a good place for events for example or chat commands
gamecontroler.cpp: decides about weapon on spawn, warmup, handles map-cycling, inactive kick...
well... start with modifiing stuff in character and player or gamecontext, look what happens and so on
i'm sorry for about 100 grammar/sense/spelling mistakes, but i'm quite tired due to the long nights on weekend (WordPress Camp Berlin *yaay*), btw feel free to contact me in skype for further questions
@Dune: i know that this is not the right way of learning c++ and/or programming in general. but this is the easiest way. instead of learning how to deal with a console project by watching tutorials or reading books, it's easier to learn by trying, but the disadventage is, that it takes longer and you need to aks always. in addition to that you learn it only for teeworlds
#yemDX is a known troll