Topic: A little question :)

Hello, community!
Could you tell me if its possible to rewrite settings.cfg from server.
I mean i want add line into settings.cfg to all player who visit my server
and when they connect to server i want to check this line to exist.

Is it possible?
I've waste 5hours to make it, but i cant:(

Thx, sry for my bad English^^


Re: A little question :)

No, there is no way!

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: A little question :)

Ok, ty.
If you remember in 0.5.x version was mod called AiPDDrace or smth.
So in this mod was blacklist.
If you know can you tell me how to make it?


Re: A little question :)

Not possible to properly make that, it's probably IP-based. Works just like bans.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

5 (edited by Deepfinder 2014-02-07 18:38:49)

Re: A little question :)

You mean whitelist?

I will be banned if I troll again ...


Re: A little question :)

I knew the mod AipDDRace (or whatever name) and I knew the Blacklist system because I sometimes hosted servers with this mod. The blacklist system banned a whole IP Range going from x.x.0.0 to x.x.255.255 saved in a file.

Banning a whole range (or even more!) you can do since 0.6.2 version with the command "ban_range".

I hope I could have helped.



Re: A little question :)

Ty smile